
A spoonful of sugar to go along with the work out

I have not been keeping up with my work out routine. So yesterday I got up early and went for a long run on the beach as the sun was rising. Just kidding. I set my alarm for 8:30 and hit the snooze button until 10:00. Oops. Baby steps... So today's post is about me getting back onto track. And it's also about cookies.

Here are the raisin cookies I baked last night. They are butterless. Why? Because I did not have any butter last night. That's why. They were actually pretty fantastic for a cookie with no butter. I love the simplicity of cookies. 

Okay heres the work out routine. I started this yesterday and shall countinue with it until I arrive in Atlantis on my solid gold boat. Let's just say this is going to be pretty permanent. 

1. 10 minutes of Pilates every morning

2. Lunges and squats alternating each day.
So I do 10 lunges on each side 3 times (30 lunges each side) one day.
Then the next day I do 30 squats. Then lunges again, etc.

3. I swim everyday. Mostly leisurely splashing and lopsided handstands followed by
lap after lap around the pool. It is really good cardio. Really.

4. In the morning and at night while I'm brushing my teeth and washing
my face I lean my back against the wall with my legs out (knees straight over my feet) like I'm sitting in a chair. It's a good one for someone who is busy. 

So that's what I do I will do everyday. I also like to throw in a random youtube
work out here and there...

I just wanted to share this sushi roll with you. I am an avid sushi fan, I believe it's
what the gods of the sea eat. What else would they eat besides fish? Anyway this was a superb sushi roll. Thank you mom and dad for bringing it home to me. I am eternaly grateful. 

Here is a sneak peak at tommorrows blog post. I baked these little yummies tonight. They are called Sand tarts aka: Russian tea cakes aka: Mexican Wedding cake aka: Polvorones aka: Butterballs. Since I keep finding more nicknames for these I will just say 'These are diverse little cookies' and leave it at that. 

Aye, it's time for me to go! Come back tommorrow and sea about those Sand dollars? (do you SEA what I did there?) (cheesy much? YES!)

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