
Shark Obsession

Blog is back up and I've taken all the old posts from the old site and put them here. The new site address is sugarsharkss.blogspot.com with two Ss'.

Somehow I've been thrown into this awesome creative mode. I've been keeping myself super busy and it's great. Baking, mobile making, bracelet braiding, nail painting. I do what sounds fun. Then I have fun. It's fun.  This is a project I finished today.

It is a ocean inspired mobile. There's a shark, whale, starfish, sea turtle, sting ray, and three waves. It was really fun to make. I took my time. Pool breaks are important. 

From front to back: Wave with shark tail, sea turtle, sting ray. I could watch a sting ray fly through the ocean for hours on end. I tried once at an aquarium. For some reason they won't let you stay the night in the shark tunnel. Weird right?

The other side of the sting ray. I used the collage technique each side of each animal/wave is different. Behind the sting ray is the double wave.

Here is my favorite. The shark!!! Isn't it lovely? Comment on this post and tell me what your favorite animal is. I'm curious. Behind the shark is a better shot of the double wave.  

A wave and a whale. I love the whale. I also love the wave. I love the whale and the wave.

The star fish! It is the most colorful. Someday I will see a real star fish in its natural environment. Someday soon I hope. Really soon.

There's some close ups of each of the little hanging pieces. It's safe to say I have a unhealthy healthy obsession with the ocean and an even deeper love for sharks. That's why there is one particular ocean dweller in my mobile that gets its own hanging space, not to mention it's twice the size of the others. Yeah. I really like sharks. 

I love my mobile. It reminds me of the place I long to be, day and night. It is a fragment of the image I see when I close my eyes and make a wish.

I got some strawberries the other day because I wanted to try and make home made pop tarts. Then when I got around to baking it didn't sound good anymore. I still wanted to bake. I just wanted something quick and easy, and maybe even a little different. So I ended up baking sugar cookies. I swear this is the best sugar cookie recipe out there. It took me 25 minutes and I whipped these pretty little goodies up. I didn't want to waste my strawberries so I cut them into little hearts and placed them on top of the cookie before baking. It tasted fantastic! It was the perfect light treat and aren't those little heart strawberries so adorable?

Aye it's time for me to go. 
Don't forget to like Sugar Sharks on twitter and Facebook. 
Peace. Love. Sharks.


Fathers Day Activities

Yesterday was Father's day. Sooo that is what I'll be bloggin' about. We had a father's day brunch, and then went to the local (somewhat local anyway) flea market. 

The buffalo gap flea market used to be a lot busier. Many more venders, and had a lot more attendees.
I guess the bad economy walked all up in there and scared everyone off. 

There is a cornor of the flea market were all the venders sell their animals. This was the first spot we went to of course. Unfortunatly for you I was so caught up in little baby animals I forgot to take pictures for my blog until the puppies. Sorry. Just kidding, I'm not sorry those baby animals were WORTH IT! 
They had chicks, puppies, and (my favorite) baby bunnies! Oh. My Goodness. Baby bunnies. I got to hold one and I tottaly lost controll of my girlish tendences. I was all "Awww who's a wittle bitty wabbit? What a cutie wittle bun bun!!!". Never underestimate the power of baby animals. (guy tip: looking for girls? Find a baby animal and use it to the best of your abilities. You won't be dissapoined.). 

I am usually not a fan of yard art. Actually I am never a fan of yard art. Probably because I am so involved in the Fine Art industry. Yeah that's right, bragging. Well this is the first time I've seen this kind of thing and thought "I know were I could put that!". 

How did I manage to make this picture so small!? I don't know. Oops. Alright I find this to be very hmmm. Okay I can't think of a word for what this is. All I know is it would look great on one of our walls. It's kind of boho maybe?

Not the best picture but how adorable is that flying pig!? Level: Ryan Renolds, that's how adorable. I would put it right on my little table with the cute blue and white pattern. I just love this thing. 

I made these for mah daddy last night. His favorite red velvet cake. I ended up with a lot more batter than I thought and ended up with a gazillion mini cupcakes (in the picture), a little less than 2 dozen regular size cupcakes, and a cake. I went overboard, I know. They were very tasty. 

Here is the problem though. I am going through a sort of "I've been eating way to many fantastic desserts and it's too much" phase. It SUCKS! I couldn't even handle the icing. Which is unusual for me. So I am going to listen to my body and do a sweet treat cleansing. I will not bake desserts all week. It's not like I'm saying I wont dip my spoon in that chocolatte ice cream in my freezer. I just won't do my usual nightly dessert baking. So instead of cupcakes, and cookies, it's zucchini chips, and what not. This will be good for me. I think. Oh and you should know that my bum is extremely sore from all the lunges. Fitness. 

Aye, it's time for me to go! Come back tomorrow and see about those zucchini chips. And DON'T forget to like SugarSharks blog on facebook, and follow on twitter! Links are on the home page  bye mateys!

Give Me a Chance To Shine and I'll Blind the World

So I'll start off by telling you about the cookies I made last night. Since they have many names I figured I might as well add to the list. So I am calling them Sand Dollars, which is pretty close to one of their common names 'Sand tart'. I happen to think that sand tart sounds a tad derogatory and rather not refer to them in that way. Wouldn't want any hurt feelings now would we?

This was actually one of the simplest recipes ever! Only four ingredients and everyone loved them! 
They are like baby sugar cookie fluffy puffs. That's how I would describe them. Oh and I made some sugar cookie icing for dipping.  

Alright, really I just made the icing because I used a toothpick to make a sandollar print in the cookies and I wanted something blue to resemble the ocean!

 I did my hair today and I am loving this new hair cut! It fits my  'fashionable hippy that lives on a beach in a shack with stained glass windows' style that I adore so much.  

I decided it was time to try the ombre trend. I'm not ballsy enough to die my hair like Drew Barrymore  but I'll definetly try it out on my nails. I can see why everyone's raging about it. Ombre. Looks. Fantastic! It was easy too. I did a base coat (pink glitter), a middle coat with a que tip (blue), a third coat with another que tip (green), 
and then a final top coat with a white glitter. This is something I am definetly going to try more than once!
In this picture I am holding one of my favorite little bracelets. It is a ribbon my grandmother brought back from Puru that I tied together. It's so boho and adorable. I wear it all the time. 

I just had to share this cute photo I took (with skill) while playing tug of war with my dog Tesco. I love that the toy says "I love you" on it. 

Alright last thing I have to say. You must listen to this song. It is the best pick me up song ever! I can't even express how much I adore this song. It is called Ghoulies are Go by the Groovie Ghoulies. Just listen to it, it's amazing.

Aye, it's time for me to go! Come back tommorrow and see about the chocolate covered coconut cookies I am going to attempt to bake tonight!

We'll All Float On

Sugar is the sweet pick me up after a hard day.Your trusty metaforicle rock.
A shark is an adventure. The feirce product of curriosity and wonder.
So what if you put spontanious and stable together?
Sugar Sharks

Is there anything better for your nails than glitter? I doubt it. 

While cleaning out a room I discovered this pot of gold. Literealy though, it is a huge bottle of gold glitter! So naturaly I put it on my nails. It reminds me of treasure. Like what you would find on a big sailboat in atlantis. Ahh lovely. 
Speaking of beachy things...

This is one of my all time favorite products and believe or not I get it at walmart. It is a coconut cream body butter from I Love Cosmetics. And if you close you eyes and smell it you can almost hear the waves! I've also tried the mango scented one and it's just as great. But I am a sucker for anything coconut. 

I'm longing to go on a big adventure. Out of the country. But I would settle for Florida. I do have my eye set on the Bahamas though. Some place thats tropical, far away from west Texas.
Well tonight I am going to bake cookies. Oatmeal raisin to be exact. Right now I am enjoying an extended stay at home, after a lot of traveling. It is relaxing, but restless at the same time. The baking is the part I love. I bake every day. MMM, yummy things. 
The song stuck in my head today is Float On by Modest Mouse
Beautiful song. One of my favorites. (it's were I got the title for this blog)

Aye, it's time for me to go. Come back tommorrow and see how the cookies turned out!

A spoonful of sugar to go along with the work out

I have not been keeping up with my work out routine. So yesterday I got up early and went for a long run on the beach as the sun was rising. Just kidding. I set my alarm for 8:30 and hit the snooze button until 10:00. Oops. Baby steps... So today's post is about me getting back onto track. And it's also about cookies.

Here are the raisin cookies I baked last night. They are butterless. Why? Because I did not have any butter last night. That's why. They were actually pretty fantastic for a cookie with no butter. I love the simplicity of cookies. 

Okay heres the work out routine. I started this yesterday and shall countinue with it until I arrive in Atlantis on my solid gold boat. Let's just say this is going to be pretty permanent. 

1. 10 minutes of Pilates every morning

2. Lunges and squats alternating each day.
So I do 10 lunges on each side 3 times (30 lunges each side) one day.
Then the next day I do 30 squats. Then lunges again, etc.

3. I swim everyday. Mostly leisurely splashing and lopsided handstands followed by
lap after lap around the pool. It is really good cardio. Really.

4. In the morning and at night while I'm brushing my teeth and washing
my face I lean my back against the wall with my legs out (knees straight over my feet) like I'm sitting in a chair. It's a good one for someone who is busy. 

So that's what I do I will do everyday. I also like to throw in a random youtube
work out here and there...

I just wanted to share this sushi roll with you. I am an avid sushi fan, I believe it's
what the gods of the sea eat. What else would they eat besides fish? Anyway this was a superb sushi roll. Thank you mom and dad for bringing it home to me. I am eternaly grateful. 

Here is a sneak peak at tommorrows blog post. I baked these little yummies tonight. They are called Sand tarts aka: Russian tea cakes aka: Mexican Wedding cake aka: Polvorones aka: Butterballs. Since I keep finding more nicknames for these I will just say 'These are diverse little cookies' and leave it at that. 

Aye, it's time for me to go! Come back tommorrow and sea about those Sand dollars? (do you SEA what I did there?) (cheesy much? YES!)