
Give Me a Chance To Shine and I'll Blind the World

So I'll start off by telling you about the cookies I made last night. Since they have many names I figured I might as well add to the list. So I am calling them Sand Dollars, which is pretty close to one of their common names 'Sand tart'. I happen to think that sand tart sounds a tad derogatory and rather not refer to them in that way. Wouldn't want any hurt feelings now would we?

This was actually one of the simplest recipes ever! Only four ingredients and everyone loved them! 
They are like baby sugar cookie fluffy puffs. That's how I would describe them. Oh and I made some sugar cookie icing for dipping.  

Alright, really I just made the icing because I used a toothpick to make a sandollar print in the cookies and I wanted something blue to resemble the ocean!

 I did my hair today and I am loving this new hair cut! It fits my  'fashionable hippy that lives on a beach in a shack with stained glass windows' style that I adore so much.  

I decided it was time to try the ombre trend. I'm not ballsy enough to die my hair like Drew Barrymore  but I'll definetly try it out on my nails. I can see why everyone's raging about it. Ombre. Looks. Fantastic! It was easy too. I did a base coat (pink glitter), a middle coat with a que tip (blue), a third coat with another que tip (green), 
and then a final top coat with a white glitter. This is something I am definetly going to try more than once!
In this picture I am holding one of my favorite little bracelets. It is a ribbon my grandmother brought back from Puru that I tied together. It's so boho and adorable. I wear it all the time. 

I just had to share this cute photo I took (with skill) while playing tug of war with my dog Tesco. I love that the toy says "I love you" on it. 

Alright last thing I have to say. You must listen to this song. It is the best pick me up song ever! I can't even express how much I adore this song. It is called Ghoulies are Go by the Groovie Ghoulies. Just listen to it, it's amazing.

Aye, it's time for me to go! Come back tommorrow and see about the chocolate covered coconut cookies I am going to attempt to bake tonight!

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