Wanna get in touch?

If you'd like to:

1. Ask me a question about tomatoes being a fruit, my current favorite color, or any other questions.

2. Have a general inquiry. For example: I really really like your blog and I'm your biggest fan! or You should really do a blog post about how marine mammals are the coolest and why everyone should have a vat of pillows somewhere in their house.

3. You have a blog and would like to talk about bloggy stuff.

4. Your looking for a sailing partner to circumnavigate with you. 

5. Someone told you a funny joke and you want to tell me so I can blog about it and have a jolly old laugh.

6. You want to contact me about something other than the very common reasons listen above. 

My email address is boomswaggerr@ymail.com

I'd love to hear from anybody, or any animal, or any inanimate objects.

Don't try to send anything to my gmail account. I don't check that thing. It's only there so that I can have a blogger account.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww. Your blog is so adorable! By the way, I added you on yahoo mail so I can get to know you. <3

