
The best post

Here's a story:

Once upon a time a girl went to go run two miles with two friends. While passing the elementary school they heard a loud meow that sounded like a distressed kitten. The girl followed the noise under some trashed wooden stairs next to a dumpster. She peeked under the wood pile and a wee little kitten came RUNNING up to her all lonely like. The girl scooped up the kitten and brought it home. 

This actually happened today. For serious. 

I did some googling and spent the day with this little guy attached to my hip. Literally. So he can't be more than 5 weeks old but the good news is that he is healthy. He is eating wet food and I have been giving him formula through a bottle. Um adorable. Mostly he sleeps (which is a normal kitten behavior) but he eats, and he gets pretty frisky. He is so young that everything he does is clumsy. Walking, eating, especially playing! We made him a little fabric ball and he has strips of fabric to play with. He's interested and will paw and bite at it but it looks like he doesn't quite understand the premise of his instinctual antics. 

Is that not the cutest face you've ever seen? He is adorable. I keep saying he but it could be a she. Who knows. Either way he/she's name is Ziggy Stardust. 

I love him but unfortunately for me, it does't look like either one of my parents are stoked about it. Which is understandable. We already have quite a few animals. Plus we travel. I'd really hate to see him go though. I feel like he's mine!

He is so tiny he fits in my hand. I have never had something so dependent of me. It's not like I'm the only one who can care for him, it's just that he needs someone to care for him like a mother and right now it's me.  It could just be my overwhelming human emotions talking, but I think he loves me too. 

Aye, I'm going to go cuddle a fuzz ball. Don't forget to like on Facebook, follow on twitter, and become a shark. Keep it peachy.


  1. It is so cute!! Thanks for sharing it! I hope your parents will let you keep it. I just found your blog and loved the concept, I'm your new follower ;)


    1. Thank you! I'm am going to write an update, hopefully tonight! ;) Thanks for becoming a shark!

      keep it peachy.

      ps. going to check out your blog.

  2. so cuuuute! I chose you to do this questionaire thing if your interested :)

