
Sunshine Award

A big thank you to Susie Bean for nominating me for this award! It's my first. This should be fun.


1. What would you like to change about yourself?

Hmm. Well I'd really like it if I was a pirate. Especially if I had a plank.

2. What is your theme song?

Whole Wide World by Wreckless Eric. The idea of traveling all over the world to places like Tahiti or The Bahamas looking for something or someone you love but have never met or seen before is amazing. It's what I hope I get to spend my time doing when I'm older.

3. One part of your life memory, action, etc. that you wish you could surgically remove from your brain?

Geeze. Okay I'll give you a funny one. It was my first year at a new school and I was going into 4th grade. I didn't know anybody and was still shy. So on the first day I got up to sharpen my pencils. Which was terrifying. I had to walk across the room while everyone was sitting down and I kept thinking class would start before my pencil was pointy enough and I would get in trouble. So there I am sharpening in front of the class and then I fart really loud. Everyone in the room started laughing but I just stood there with my back turned sharpening away. It's pretty funny now.

4. What generation do you wish you had been a part of?

The 70's or the 80's. Just for the music. And the cars. (Go watch Almost Famous)

5, What was your favorite child hood toy?

First I'd like to state that I am still a child. I can't be all "Oh well 97 years ago...". I really have no idea. Probably cuddly stuffed animals.

6. What is your favorite house cleaning chore?

Who came up with these questions? I like to clean my room because I can turn my stereo up real loud and listen to Guns N Roses.

7. Do you tweet?

I do. Links to the right.

8. Any goals?

A lot. I'd like to own a restaurant or bakery before I turn 30. I want to set foot in all 7 continents. I'd like to own a boat, and I want to live in Seattle or Portland at some point...

9. Do you really drink margaritas all the time?

Seriously? This question was necessary? I don't drink margaritas all the time because I have 6 more years until that is legal. I did however make margarita cupcakes a couple days ago. (Blog about them soon!)

10. What was the ugliest car you've ever driven in and were embarrassed to be seen in?

I don't get to drive for another 9 months. :( I do drive around my grandparents little red car every once  in a while. It's not necessarily the steaziest.

Done. That was different. Here are my nominations. (Not doing 10. Sorry)

Aye. Hope you guys haven't already been nominated! Don't forget to like on Facebook, follow on twitter, and become a shark! Keep it peachy.

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