
Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little Ball of Fur!

The blog title is part of a song from a show I like love. 10 points to who ever can can comment the rest of the song, plus 5 points to who ever comments the show title. 

I am so happy to tell you that my parents decided to let me keep the kitten I rescued. YAY! 

We've had him for a little over a week now. He is extremely smart for only being 6 weeks old. He goes to the litter box all by himself and when he gets tired he crawls up on my bed and sleeps. He has learned how to drink out of the water bowl and his sight improves every day. 

I won't babble on about the details but I will bombard you with tons of pictures!

I got him a new toy but he fell asleep before he had a chance to play with it.

He's so cute.

I've been taking him on walks outside. Kitty shadow.

He was pooped after a long walk. The cold concrete floor must have felt good.

My parents got me a stuffed shark from the Houston Aquarium. I love sharks.

I made margarita cupcakes. They have a tequila and triple sec glaze, tequila frosting, and a salted lime. The cake is just a lime cake but for some reason it didn't rise at all...

Aye, bye for now. Don't forget to like on Facebook, follow on twitter, and become a shark! Keep it peachy!


  1. That is probably the cutest cat I have ever seen. And that looks like a fantastical cupcake

    1. He is an adorable little kittay. The cupcakes were good! Thanks Ariel!

      Keep it peachy.

  2. Your kitten is so cute! Congrats on rescuing it :)
