
You've Got Brains In Your Head

Our internet has been down for a couple days so that's my excuse for not posting. Also I've been sick. Also I've had nothing good to talk about. So I went on a little shopping spree (thank you mommy & daddy!!!) the other day, and I thought I'd show you what I scored.


The first picture is of my new piercing. That sounds less feminine than I'd like. Anyway. I spontaneously got my ears pierced at the mall. It was half spontaneous. I have been wanting my second lobe done for a while. I love it. It looks perfect; just how I wanted it to! 

The second picture is two jewelry pieces my fam got me while in Houston. The most fantastic unicorn ring and the most adorable little lace bracelet. 

The third picture is of all the little earrings I got when I pierced my ear. My mom found them and they just fit my personal steaze so well. I'm wearing the starfish from this set and you can see them in the first picture. Oh, theres two earrings missing because my mom was wearing them. Ha.

I got some goodies at victorious secret! I won't tell you what's inside, I just wanted to show you the adorable little bag they give you. They even spray it with perfume. We stopped at the Clinique counter and got some new make up. I got a light powder which I love because it offers good coverage but it doesn't look like make up. It's natural. They gave us free make up bags too. I love a crisp, white, clean new make up bag! 

I also got some other stuff that I didn't post about, so tomorrow maybe? There are these extremely awesome pants I have to show you!

Here's a cute kitty picture. Plus some fun with stamps! Sorry I haven't posted anything interesting. Hmmm.

Aye, I got to go take brownies out of the oven. Don't forget to follow Facebook, twitter, shark, all that stuff. Alright, keep it peachy. 

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