
Generating Steam Heat

Before I say anything, I want to tell you about the blog Original.Clothing.Design. The author, Maddy, ever so kindly asked me to check out her blog. So I said "Um. YES!" and I went and checked it out. Maddy has grown up with anxiety and OCD, but she changes the meaning of the acronym in her blog Original Clothing Design. So if your looking for a fashion blog with a deeper meaning go check it out.

Another fantastic person with OCD is Joey Ramone, the lead singer of The Ramones. He's someone I've always admired, I even named my fish after him. Notice the new aquarium feature. It's a little replica of Squidwards house from Sponge Bob Square Pants.

I really like how this picture turned out. I especially like the border. These are little bangles I made. They were originally plain bangles with little jewel embellishments and since I had quite a few I decided to do something with the ones I don't wear often. I had this awesome bilabong shirt from a looong time ago that I got at a surf camp. It was torn and messed up at the bottom so I cut it off and made it a crop top. I used the extra fabric I cut off to tightly wrap around the bangles. Then I just tied it off with a knot. It's a simple diy and it's cute. 

I went through my phone pictures and found some old photos I took that never made the blog. This is a semi old picture my mom took of me on the boat. That blanket was so comfy. 

Okay I'm watching Project Runway as I write this and I'm a little upset about it. My favorite designer Kooan Kosuke just dropped out. :'( Dawww! So now I'm team Sonjia Williams. 

I took this a couple days ago. This is my grumpy little dog Tesco. He was so cuddled and the white blankets looked so crisp and clean. 

I did my nails today and they look fantastic. It's the same glittery mermaid blue I used on my toes here. Then I took the gold polish and wrote 'ATLANTIS' on them. I also drew a shark and a jelly fish on my thumbs. Unfortunately I never got a picture, tomorrow perhaps...

Aye, that's all for now! Don't' forget to like on Facebook, follow on twitter, and become a shark! Comment and tell me who your favorite Project Runway designer is. Keep it peachy!


  1. Maddy is the best! I love her blog and I think she is amazing!

    1. Yeah, she is a cool person. :D

      keep it peachy...

  2. Oh my gosh!! You guys are so sweet! :)) your comments made me smile so much I'm not even kidding. Thank you so much for the kind and amazing shout out. I love your DIY bracelets!
