Little Bucket List Book

I have a this little notebook my grandmother brought back for me from Thailand. I've been writing in it constantly. It's a bucket list book.  So I thought I'd share some of it. This is a list of all the things I want to accomplish this summer. I'll try and take pictures when I'm knocking one of the list and post it here!
Accomplished things will be bold
Things that I've done before that were so awesome I want to do them again will be in italic.

Go to the beach

Camp on the beach

Do a successful backflip into a body of water

Dye my hair something crazy, spontaniously 

Eat 'smores

Have a bonfire. Preferably on the beach

Take a class


Have a bake sale

Get complimented by a stranger and complement them back

Visit a Lake

Go on a big trip

Go on a trip with friends

Wear heels. In public

Throw a party

Attend a party

Walk out in the rain

Play a banjo

Get a henna tattoo


Swim in the ocean

Interact with sharks. (aquarium maybe?)

Watch a sting ray fly through the water

Watch Koi fish swim

Have an Orchid plant

Have a hibiscus plant

Have a bonsai plant. Preferably one that looks like a small tree of life

Go camping

  Go skating at a roller rink.

Go to a 50's style ice cream parlor and eat a sundae.

Swim in a lake

Live on a boat

Sleep on the deck of a boat under the stars

Listen to Bob Marley or Alpha Blonde on the beach

Listen to Bob Marley or Alpha Blonde on a boat

Jump off a boat

Jump off a dock

Jump of a rock or land mass

Press all the buttons in an elevator and get off at the next floor

Watch the sun rise

Watch the sun set


  1. It's amazing how similar we are to each other! I want to to all of those things too! I love you blog!


    1. Thanks! You've won the 'First commenter award'! I'll be working on a new page soon with Sugar Shark's blog awards. :) Hope you knock a bunch off your list too!

  2. I really super enjoy reading your blog, girl! You're so talented!! I just love it! Can't wait for more posts!
