
Fathers Day Activities

Yesterday was Father's day. Sooo that is what I'll be bloggin' about. We had a father's day brunch, and then went to the local (somewhat local anyway) flea market. 

The buffalo gap flea market used to be a lot busier. Many more venders, and had a lot more attendees.
I guess the bad economy walked all up in there and scared everyone off. 

There is a cornor of the flea market were all the venders sell their animals. This was the first spot we went to of course. Unfortunatly for you I was so caught up in little baby animals I forgot to take pictures for my blog until the puppies. Sorry. Just kidding, I'm not sorry those baby animals were WORTH IT! 
They had chicks, puppies, and (my favorite) baby bunnies! Oh. My Goodness. Baby bunnies. I got to hold one and I tottaly lost controll of my girlish tendences. I was all "Awww who's a wittle bitty wabbit? What a cutie wittle bun bun!!!". Never underestimate the power of baby animals. (guy tip: looking for girls? Find a baby animal and use it to the best of your abilities. You won't be dissapoined.). 

I am usually not a fan of yard art. Actually I am never a fan of yard art. Probably because I am so involved in the Fine Art industry. Yeah that's right, bragging. Well this is the first time I've seen this kind of thing and thought "I know were I could put that!". 

How did I manage to make this picture so small!? I don't know. Oops. Alright I find this to be very hmmm. Okay I can't think of a word for what this is. All I know is it would look great on one of our walls. It's kind of boho maybe?

Not the best picture but how adorable is that flying pig!? Level: Ryan Renolds, that's how adorable. I would put it right on my little table with the cute blue and white pattern. I just love this thing. 

I made these for mah daddy last night. His favorite red velvet cake. I ended up with a lot more batter than I thought and ended up with a gazillion mini cupcakes (in the picture), a little less than 2 dozen regular size cupcakes, and a cake. I went overboard, I know. They were very tasty. 

Here is the problem though. I am going through a sort of "I've been eating way to many fantastic desserts and it's too much" phase. It SUCKS! I couldn't even handle the icing. Which is unusual for me. So I am going to listen to my body and do a sweet treat cleansing. I will not bake desserts all week. It's not like I'm saying I wont dip my spoon in that chocolatte ice cream in my freezer. I just won't do my usual nightly dessert baking. So instead of cupcakes, and cookies, it's zucchini chips, and what not. This will be good for me. I think. Oh and you should know that my bum is extremely sore from all the lunges. Fitness. 

Aye, it's time for me to go! Come back tomorrow and see about those zucchini chips. And DON'T forget to like SugarSharks blog on facebook, and follow on twitter! Links are on the home page  bye mateys!

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