
Shark Obsession

Blog is back up and I've taken all the old posts from the old site and put them here. The new site address is sugarsharkss.blogspot.com with two Ss'.

Somehow I've been thrown into this awesome creative mode. I've been keeping myself super busy and it's great. Baking, mobile making, bracelet braiding, nail painting. I do what sounds fun. Then I have fun. It's fun.  This is a project I finished today.

It is a ocean inspired mobile. There's a shark, whale, starfish, sea turtle, sting ray, and three waves. It was really fun to make. I took my time. Pool breaks are important. 

From front to back: Wave with shark tail, sea turtle, sting ray. I could watch a sting ray fly through the ocean for hours on end. I tried once at an aquarium. For some reason they won't let you stay the night in the shark tunnel. Weird right?

The other side of the sting ray. I used the collage technique each side of each animal/wave is different. Behind the sting ray is the double wave.

Here is my favorite. The shark!!! Isn't it lovely? Comment on this post and tell me what your favorite animal is. I'm curious. Behind the shark is a better shot of the double wave.  

A wave and a whale. I love the whale. I also love the wave. I love the whale and the wave.

The star fish! It is the most colorful. Someday I will see a real star fish in its natural environment. Someday soon I hope. Really soon.

There's some close ups of each of the little hanging pieces. It's safe to say I have a unhealthy healthy obsession with the ocean and an even deeper love for sharks. That's why there is one particular ocean dweller in my mobile that gets its own hanging space, not to mention it's twice the size of the others. Yeah. I really like sharks. 

I love my mobile. It reminds me of the place I long to be, day and night. It is a fragment of the image I see when I close my eyes and make a wish.

I got some strawberries the other day because I wanted to try and make home made pop tarts. Then when I got around to baking it didn't sound good anymore. I still wanted to bake. I just wanted something quick and easy, and maybe even a little different. So I ended up baking sugar cookies. I swear this is the best sugar cookie recipe out there. It took me 25 minutes and I whipped these pretty little goodies up. I didn't want to waste my strawberries so I cut them into little hearts and placed them on top of the cookie before baking. It tasted fantastic! It was the perfect light treat and aren't those little heart strawberries so adorable?

Aye it's time for me to go. 
Don't forget to like Sugar Sharks on twitter and Facebook. 
Peace. Love. Sharks.

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