
You've Got Brains In Your Head

Our internet has been down for a couple days so that's my excuse for not posting. Also I've been sick. Also I've had nothing good to talk about. So I went on a little shopping spree (thank you mommy & daddy!!!) the other day, and I thought I'd show you what I scored.


The first picture is of my new piercing. That sounds less feminine than I'd like. Anyway. I spontaneously got my ears pierced at the mall. It was half spontaneous. I have been wanting my second lobe done for a while. I love it. It looks perfect; just how I wanted it to! 

The second picture is two jewelry pieces my fam got me while in Houston. The most fantastic unicorn ring and the most adorable little lace bracelet. 

The third picture is of all the little earrings I got when I pierced my ear. My mom found them and they just fit my personal steaze so well. I'm wearing the starfish from this set and you can see them in the first picture. Oh, theres two earrings missing because my mom was wearing them. Ha.

I got some goodies at victorious secret! I won't tell you what's inside, I just wanted to show you the adorable little bag they give you. They even spray it with perfume. We stopped at the Clinique counter and got some new make up. I got a light powder which I love because it offers good coverage but it doesn't look like make up. It's natural. They gave us free make up bags too. I love a crisp, white, clean new make up bag! 

I also got some other stuff that I didn't post about, so tomorrow maybe? There are these extremely awesome pants I have to show you!

Here's a cute kitty picture. Plus some fun with stamps! Sorry I haven't posted anything interesting. Hmmm.

Aye, I got to go take brownies out of the oven. Don't forget to follow Facebook, twitter, shark, all that stuff. Alright, keep it peachy. 


Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little Ball of Fur!

The blog title is part of a song from a show I like love. 10 points to who ever can can comment the rest of the song, plus 5 points to who ever comments the show title. 

I am so happy to tell you that my parents decided to let me keep the kitten I rescued. YAY! 

We've had him for a little over a week now. He is extremely smart for only being 6 weeks old. He goes to the litter box all by himself and when he gets tired he crawls up on my bed and sleeps. He has learned how to drink out of the water bowl and his sight improves every day. 

I won't babble on about the details but I will bombard you with tons of pictures!

I got him a new toy but he fell asleep before he had a chance to play with it.

He's so cute.

I've been taking him on walks outside. Kitty shadow.

He was pooped after a long walk. The cold concrete floor must have felt good.

My parents got me a stuffed shark from the Houston Aquarium. I love sharks.

I made margarita cupcakes. They have a tequila and triple sec glaze, tequila frosting, and a salted lime. The cake is just a lime cake but for some reason it didn't rise at all...

Aye, bye for now. Don't forget to like on Facebook, follow on twitter, and become a shark! Keep it peachy!


Sunshine Award

A big thank you to Susie Bean for nominating me for this award! It's my first. This should be fun.


1. What would you like to change about yourself?

Hmm. Well I'd really like it if I was a pirate. Especially if I had a plank.

2. What is your theme song?

Whole Wide World by Wreckless Eric. The idea of traveling all over the world to places like Tahiti or The Bahamas looking for something or someone you love but have never met or seen before is amazing. It's what I hope I get to spend my time doing when I'm older.

3. One part of your life memory, action, etc. that you wish you could surgically remove from your brain?

Geeze. Okay I'll give you a funny one. It was my first year at a new school and I was going into 4th grade. I didn't know anybody and was still shy. So on the first day I got up to sharpen my pencils. Which was terrifying. I had to walk across the room while everyone was sitting down and I kept thinking class would start before my pencil was pointy enough and I would get in trouble. So there I am sharpening in front of the class and then I fart really loud. Everyone in the room started laughing but I just stood there with my back turned sharpening away. It's pretty funny now.

4. What generation do you wish you had been a part of?

The 70's or the 80's. Just for the music. And the cars. (Go watch Almost Famous)

5, What was your favorite child hood toy?

First I'd like to state that I am still a child. I can't be all "Oh well 97 years ago...". I really have no idea. Probably cuddly stuffed animals.

6. What is your favorite house cleaning chore?

Who came up with these questions? I like to clean my room because I can turn my stereo up real loud and listen to Guns N Roses.

7. Do you tweet?

I do. Links to the right.

8. Any goals?

A lot. I'd like to own a restaurant or bakery before I turn 30. I want to set foot in all 7 continents. I'd like to own a boat, and I want to live in Seattle or Portland at some point...

9. Do you really drink margaritas all the time?

Seriously? This question was necessary? I don't drink margaritas all the time because I have 6 more years until that is legal. I did however make margarita cupcakes a couple days ago. (Blog about them soon!)

10. What was the ugliest car you've ever driven in and were embarrassed to be seen in?

I don't get to drive for another 9 months. :( I do drive around my grandparents little red car every once  in a while. It's not necessarily the steaziest.

Done. That was different. Here are my nominations. (Not doing 10. Sorry)

Aye. Hope you guys haven't already been nominated! Don't forget to like on Facebook, follow on twitter, and become a shark! Keep it peachy.


The best post

Here's a story:

Once upon a time a girl went to go run two miles with two friends. While passing the elementary school they heard a loud meow that sounded like a distressed kitten. The girl followed the noise under some trashed wooden stairs next to a dumpster. She peeked under the wood pile and a wee little kitten came RUNNING up to her all lonely like. The girl scooped up the kitten and brought it home. 

This actually happened today. For serious. 

I did some googling and spent the day with this little guy attached to my hip. Literally. So he can't be more than 5 weeks old but the good news is that he is healthy. He is eating wet food and I have been giving him formula through a bottle. Um adorable. Mostly he sleeps (which is a normal kitten behavior) but he eats, and he gets pretty frisky. He is so young that everything he does is clumsy. Walking, eating, especially playing! We made him a little fabric ball and he has strips of fabric to play with. He's interested and will paw and bite at it but it looks like he doesn't quite understand the premise of his instinctual antics. 

Is that not the cutest face you've ever seen? He is adorable. I keep saying he but it could be a she. Who knows. Either way he/she's name is Ziggy Stardust. 

I love him but unfortunately for me, it does't look like either one of my parents are stoked about it. Which is understandable. We already have quite a few animals. Plus we travel. I'd really hate to see him go though. I feel like he's mine!

He is so tiny he fits in my hand. I have never had something so dependent of me. It's not like I'm the only one who can care for him, it's just that he needs someone to care for him like a mother and right now it's me.  It could just be my overwhelming human emotions talking, but I think he loves me too. 

Aye, I'm going to go cuddle a fuzz ball. Don't forget to like on Facebook, follow on twitter, and become a shark. Keep it peachy.


The Ocean Breathes Salty

So I've been pretty busy lately. In a good almost productive way. Right now I'm staying at a family friends house while my parents are out of town; I had a doctors appointment.  

Oh yeah. I sewed something! It took waaaay longer than I had originally thought, but it turned out awesome! Seriously, the best thing I've ever sewn. Well I really don't sew much, but still.

Side one.

Side two. (The inside when it's folded)

The folded view. It's a little clutch purse. I thought it would be a great idea to hand embroider the octopus and the shark on there. Um, no. Not a good idea. It was an "Oh my god I've been doing this for hours and my back hurts!" kind of idea. But hey, I think it turned out pretty good. So maybe it was worth it. I am happy to say the purse is actually useful. I'm using it now and I love it.

I painted this little guy. Yes, the gold spilling out of the pots is gold glitter. I love gold glitter. The octopus was hard, but he has red glitter eyes!!! The bottom of the painting depicts the lost city of Atlantis. As I've said before, I am from Atlantis. Obviously. 

Here is the picture of my Atlantis nails I said I would post. I painted a shark on one thumb and a jelly fish on the other. 

I painted and glittered some shells. They are huge clam shells from a lake. The same lake the boat is on. This is a lyric from the Modest Mouse song The Ocean Breathes Salty. I also made it the title of the blog post.

I've been spending a lot of time with this kid. His name is Connor and he really likes legos.

We ended up spending an hour and a half sculpting this lego apartment. Its got a kitchen equipped with an oven, stove top, light fixture, an island bar, and some other controls for who knows what. There is a garage door, and a living room that includes a couch, coffee table, and flat screen T.V. There is an office room with a big desk and big computer set up. We made like three cars, and I could go on. So. Many. Legos. 

Aye, that's all I have to say for now. Don't forget to like on Facebook (seriously you guys! No one ever likes this blog on Facebook! I swear nothing weird happens, you just get updates.) follow on twitter, and become a shark! Keep it peachy.


Generating Steam Heat

Before I say anything, I want to tell you about the blog Original.Clothing.Design. The author, Maddy, ever so kindly asked me to check out her blog. So I said "Um. YES!" and I went and checked it out. Maddy has grown up with anxiety and OCD, but she changes the meaning of the acronym in her blog Original Clothing Design. So if your looking for a fashion blog with a deeper meaning go check it out.

Another fantastic person with OCD is Joey Ramone, the lead singer of The Ramones. He's someone I've always admired, I even named my fish after him. Notice the new aquarium feature. It's a little replica of Squidwards house from Sponge Bob Square Pants.

I really like how this picture turned out. I especially like the border. These are little bangles I made. They were originally plain bangles with little jewel embellishments and since I had quite a few I decided to do something with the ones I don't wear often. I had this awesome bilabong shirt from a looong time ago that I got at a surf camp. It was torn and messed up at the bottom so I cut it off and made it a crop top. I used the extra fabric I cut off to tightly wrap around the bangles. Then I just tied it off with a knot. It's a simple diy and it's cute. 

I went through my phone pictures and found some old photos I took that never made the blog. This is a semi old picture my mom took of me on the boat. That blanket was so comfy. 

Okay I'm watching Project Runway as I write this and I'm a little upset about it. My favorite designer Kooan Kosuke just dropped out. :'( Dawww! So now I'm team Sonjia Williams. 

I took this a couple days ago. This is my grumpy little dog Tesco. He was so cuddled and the white blankets looked so crisp and clean. 

I did my nails today and they look fantastic. It's the same glittery mermaid blue I used on my toes here. Then I took the gold polish and wrote 'ATLANTIS' on them. I also drew a shark and a jelly fish on my thumbs. Unfortunately I never got a picture, tomorrow perhaps...

Aye, that's all for now! Don't' forget to like on Facebook, follow on twitter, and become a shark! Comment and tell me who your favorite Project Runway designer is. Keep it peachy!


All My Friends Are Bad Kids

I keep talking about how I've been thrown into these creative modes. I don't think it's a mode. I think it's just... me. I've got a hint of creative hidden somewhere inside of me. Sometimes all I have to do is open the door and it's there. Then there are the times when it's like I'm on this beautiful beach and everything is gorgeous and warm but Tom Gun is telling me to draw a snowy mountain in Alaska. Nothing about that scenario makes any sense and it's very confusing. Anyway, I felt creative today! 

My creative boom came to me yesterday whilst this lovely painting emerged from the gobs of paint and stiff brushes. Oh my crab, that sentence was almost poetic. What, What? Okay this is a recycled canvas (environmentally friendly in the hizzity house!) and some oil paints my dad was kind enough to let me borrow. Is it borrowing if you can't give it back? 

When your feeling especially creative you go online and look at Tumblr. When you go online and look at Tumblr you find pretty pictures of rainbow cakes. When you find pretty pictures of rainbow cakes you go to Martha Stewart's website and try and find recipes. When you look at Martha Stewart recipes you decide to bake cookies. These are dark chocolate walnut cookies. Best fresh out of the oven.

The cookies evolved. I'm getting pretty good at this picture taking stuff. I have instagram to thank for that. 

I scribbled this out on some newspaper while I was waiting for the cookies to come out. I just realized the newspaper is upside down. My OCD is trying hard to hold back tiny organized fits of rage. 

There's a few songs that I've been listening to over and over again lately. They are jumbled in a playlist called 'Insense'. Guess my OCD was tired the day I made it and decided not to remind me that the word is correctly spelled 'incense'. The actually playlist has 36 songs on it. All awesome, however I only want to share the best of the best with you. So this is a list of my favorite songs as of right now. 

(Disclaimer: If you listen to one or more of these songs and find yourself in a coma of confusion, left to lay on your bed helplessly pondering the many wonders of life while mentally replaying the genius lyrics of these songs and humming the magnificent noise to yourself... Well there is no cure. It's a dyeing disease left in the wake of the ever changing pop culture. Don't worry, it is just one of the side effects of what was once called Music.) 

Ocean Breathes Salty- Modest Mouse
(I took the lyrics from this song and put them in my painting.)

Devil Town- Bright Eyes
(This song was originally written and preformed by Daniel Johnston.)

Jane Says- Jane's Addiction

Jenna- Badtown Boys

Please Stay With Me Baby- Badtown Boys

Take Me Back- Badtown Boys

2 Punx- Badtown Boys

Don't Give Up On Me- Badtown Boys

Mable-  Goldfinger

Plastic Girls- The Minds

Punk Rock Girl- The Dead Milkmen
(my favorite song)

Silly Girl- The Descendents 

Tiny Dancer- Elton John

Walk Out In The Rain- Groovie Ghoulies

Whole Wide World- Wreckless Eric
(Someday I will listen to this song on the beach under a palm tree)

The Wild One- Suzi Quatro

Bye For Now- Lagwagon

Miles Away- Goldfinger

Boom Swagger Boom- Murder City Devils

Bad Kids- Black Lips
(The title of this post is a lyric from this song. It's very relatable. For me anyway.)

If you won't listen to all of these songs, at least pick one. Then comment and tell me about it.

Aye, time to go. Have fun listen to music. Don't forget to like on Facebook, follow on twitter, and become a shark! Keep it peachy...


Now that your not around, so many things I'd like to say

I have not been my usual self lately. On top of being a super zombie, I've also gotten some sort of bug. The kind were you sit on the couch all day and watch The Princess Diaries 1 AND 2. Just kidding, I fell asleep for last part of 1 and the first part of 2. I think it still counts. I also spent a lot of time looking at tumblr and pictures of tan blonde girls with dip dyed hair. Which, bye the way, is still 100% on my bucket list. I'm just really indecisive and keep going back and forth on colors. I thought about going all Lady Gaga and dip dyeing it yellow but I also really like the idea of two shades of blue that fade into each other.

I love the rainbow! When I first decided I wanted to die my hair something outrageous totally fantastic I wanted rainbow colors. The first picture is way more subtle than the second. If I went with the first I would do more than one strand, but I would keep it thin. The second is just rainbow gnarlyness that explodes your brain into huge shards of glitter. That's a good thing. 

I am extremely proud of this one. It is my first successful cake. Not only is it a cake, it's a layer cake! So it's a vanilla cake with chocolate frosting and a layer of whip cream. Yummy. This cake was to celebrate my dad. It reads "My dad kicks ass".

I painted my nails gold. Mainly to bring out my tan or what I call a tan. This gold nail polish changes in the light. It has other speckles of color in it too. It's really pretty.

This is my favorite nail polish ever! They are both glitter polishes so the possibilities are endless! I did green on one foot and blue on the other. I love these colors. They are so mermaidy.

Aye, that's all I have to talk about. I do have a very interesting plan for tomorrow. Don't forget to like on Facebook, follow on twitter, and become a shark. Seriously. I only have 4 Facebook followers, and the majority of the twitter followers I have are strippers. I don't know why, It doesn't make sense to me either. So follow!! Okay, keep it peachy.