
Establishing some Independence

For the past three days I've been constantly dreaming of buying my own airstream, making it my own, and living in it. By myself. Well it would have to be parked out side my parents house, I'm only fifteen (I'm being realistic here). I'm seeing a vision of a very bohemian/islander/hippy style space with tons of pillows and a very extensive record collection. 

The little rain shower passing over a big building in Dallas.

After putting in time and effort into researching what airstreams were for sale on craigslist I realized how silly this was. Really? Your going to buy yourself a motor home with all that money you don't have, from that job you also don't have. Not to mention the fact that I don't have a car. What good is a mobile home if you can't mobilize it? What happened was I realized that I'm wanting more and more independence. The most appealing part of this was having my own place. With my own things. 

We visited Possum Kingdom lake today. Very pretty lake I must say. This picture was taken from one of the docks. Knocking stuff of my summer bucket list. ;)

You know. Im getting older blah blah blah. It's because I'm fifteen. I know (you're automatically wiser than everyone when you're in your teenage years). So I've been trying to be independent and feel more grown up with out getting crazy or being irrational. I mean come on. If I knew that anyone actually read this blog I would ask how many people were laughing after reading about how I was going to move out and live in an airstream in my parents front yard. I laughed. 

My favorite boat at the marina. I can just see myself on it, having the time of my life.

So this is an idea that has been growing on me for a while. I mentioned it at the beginning of this post. I'm going to start my own record collection. This is something I am extremely excited about. My parent's have always had a record collection and a record player. There's something about it that's just so much more rewarding about buying a new record. You take it home. Pull it out of its sleeve. When you put it on the record player and here that little pop noise. Then your hearing that fantastic sound that's so different from anything you get off a Cd or iTunes. 
I have this vision in my head. It's a line of records on a huge shelf. Gahhh! I can't wait till I have a collection of my own!

There's a little restaurant right on the lake, that has a little cage enclosure for these ground hogs. They were so cute. Oh. My. Goodness. Chubby little fluffs of adorableness.

On our way to Dallas today we stopped at Possum Kingdom lake. Now we are in Dallas staying in a hotel. It rained for a wee bit earlier but it didn't last as long as I would have liked. Tomorrow we will finish up business and then head back home. We will be home monday evening and will leave again tuesday morning. That's the plan right now anyway. So we will be doing a little bit of traveling in the next week. Fun. 

Driving into Dallas. The pointy blue building to the right of the window is one of my favorites. I like the shape.

Aye, since it's late and I've run out of things to talk about I'm going to go. So bye for now.
Don't forget to like Sugar Sharks on Facebook and follow on twitter. Comment and let me know what your favorite records/albums are... 

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