
Fantastic Fourth Of July Fanatics

The truth is, I don't even know were to start with this one. A very successful two days of celebrating independence. It started at my house with my two best friends on the 3rd. We baked, painted nails, giggled, and face booked. We went to the movie rental place and picked out about 6 movies. We ended up only watching one. It was a horror movie called The Devil.  I really enjoy that movie. It is a little slow, but it keeps you guessing, and it's very creepy.

Here are my nails. They're just a simple pink color. Very feminine. Those are two of many braided bracelets. It's a new obsession I developed after messing around with my sisters embroidery thread. They are a very cute fashion statement and the best part is that they go with absolutely anything.

We left my house early in the afternoon on the 4th. First we stopped at a family friends house were my parent's and little sister stayed for their own celebration. While there we played hide and seek and took many bad photos of each other. Around six o'clock  we got picked up and taken to my friend's grandparent's house. We waited for the sun to go down with various different activities. We played wii,  pinball (which I suck at. bad.), and ate pie. We went outside and watched the moon come up in one of those little wooden playhouses. It was amazing. The house was right in the middle of all the fireworks in town. So not only did we get to see  big beautiful fireworks of our own but we also got to see huge ones going off all around us. Seriously the best night ever.

Here is a picture of a little glowing one we set off. It's the only firework picture I took. When I'm really in the moment I'm not one to hide behind a smartphone camera. I'd rather breath it all through my own eyes, and rely on my own memory.

After fireworks we headed to my friend's house to crash for the night. Well not really. We ended up staying up until 2:30 making grilled cheese, cereal, and eating some other random foods, taking pictures, listening to music, and laughing until our sides hurt. 

Now I'm at home. The past few days were tiring but successful, and worth it. I just got this kitchen set. It's sort of tacky but it grows on you. I love the blue and white polka dots. I do want to bake tonight but I want to keep it short and sweet. Not sure what I will do. I haven't done cream puffs in a while and they are one of my very favorites. I also have a new strawberry cupcake recipe I wanted to try. Hmmm

Aye, I'll be on my way now. Come back and see what I end up baking. Don't forget to like Sugar Sharks blog on Facebook and twitter!  

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