
Why I Homeschool

While cleaning out an old green house I had a conversation with a college student. Mostly about finding what you want to do in life. I found myself interjecting very opinionated statements of why public school is bad. Then I remembered she is a texas high school graduate and she probably doesn't want to here about why I'm so against public school. So of course I couldn't stop thinking about it. I decided to let myself rant on in my mind and save the information for a blog post. Instead of being pompous I decided to just give you some of the reasons why I homeschool. Of course I'll throw in some pictures too.

Peanut MnM chocolate chip cookies. Gaah!! So good

Here are the personal reasons. The ones that may apply to you, but are not a general rule for all kids getting an education.

1. Stress. Not only did I stress about tests, grades, and academic performance (I freaked if I got anything lower than an A) but I stressed about things that don't matter in the overall scheme of life. Spending two hours trying to pic out the perfect embarrass proof outfit every night is no way to live. I wasn't disliked but I was by no means popular. So I spent most of my time trying to empress somebody or trying not to be humiliated. Since I left I've been discovering things about myself through MY eyes, and not caring one single bit about how I look in anyone else's.

A mini  fortune teller I made and sea worthy ocean inspired sparkly sea blue nails.

2. Education. I was not getting a good one. This one is definitely not going to apply to everyone. However if you live in a small town in Texas you might want to look into wether or not your getting an education worth spending most of your child hood sitting at a desk. The one I was getting wasn't. I won't spend a lot of time writing about how horrid the education system in Texas is. I'll just give some examples. 

They teach to the test. Sure you'll learn things. But just think of all the wasted time. You spent so much time learning the same questions that are on the same tests giving to every other kid in the state and guess what? Congratulations, you know have the same exact education as every other high school graduate in Texas. Good luck explaining how special you are to an Ivy League college.

Our careers class was assigned a project in 7th grade to map out your life according to the career path you wanted to take. Great lesson for a bunch of 12 and 13 year olds right? So I was helping a friend with hers. She didn't know what career she wanted. Crazy right? So I told her to pick out what ever seemed like it would be fun. She wanted to be an actress. Our teacher came over and said "We all want to be the next Halle Berry but that isn't going to happen. You need to be more realistic. Maybe you could be a teacher?". Can you believe that!? Oooh I'm shuddering just thinking about it. How could you say something so degrading and belittling? To a 7th grader? You just became the perfect real life example of any stereotypical antagonist in any feel good movie about not listening to people who tell you your never going to do what you want.Well you are wrong. SO wrong!

A gorgeous orchid I found while at Lowe's. 

3.  Highschool is either hell or the best four years of your life. Unless you are lucky enough to go to one of those fantastic progressive schools were you call the teachers by their first names and the principal walks around in a hoodie and jeans. I got that luck for a few months (it's a long story). I was not one of the athletic poplar girls who seemed to have it all. I was one of the ones who faded into the lockers. This was in junior high. Im glad I never had to see what high school felt like because I'm sure it wasn't good. There just wasn't any reason to put myself through all that emotion turmoil. 

One of my favorite flowers. The oh so tropical hibiscus flower. 

4. We travel. A lot. I had been on an off home schooled through out my years, and this was the reason why. However I'm sure that even if we didn't travel so much I would still have figured out were I really belonged. I am happy to say now that I am not in school we get to travel so much more! It really is fantastic.

Bana split I made tonight. It tasted fantastic. Like a 50's ice cream parlor party with pink poodle skirts.

I'm learning a lot being home schooled. About life, myself, and so much more. Self discovery is a big deal when you're young. Looking deep inside myself and learning about what really makes me happy wasn't something I had time or the state of mind for while in school. My plans have changed drastically but for the better. I have many more goals, dreams, and ambitions. Dreams that make me smile and excite me. Goals that I know I will be proud of and happy to have accomplished. Ambitions that come from me. Not from someone else who is telling me what I should be. This blog post felt really good to write. I hope somebody takes something from it. 

Aye, I think that's enough for today. I got Facebook and twitter links up on the site so you can like and follow Sugar Sharks blog and earn some karma points.  I also added a new page to the blog, and did other editing. Come back again and see what I'm up to? And comment!

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