
Teenage Girl Antics

I spent the night over at my friends house. It was Bridgette, Chloe, and I; the three best friends ever. 
We baked cookies. The ones I was talking about in the last post. They were pretty good, however I didn't get good pictures and in all honesty I don't think they were worth a blog post...

We took a ton of pictures. Too many. Just kidding, there's never too many! These are just some of my favorites. I found this site were you can make collages online. It's helpful when you want to throw some pictures together instead of uploading a bunch into your blog feed. Nothing special, if you'd like to check it out here's the site. This is also what I used to make my RedRock collage

So I got a full on make over from Bridgette. They eyeliner took an extremely long time and I ended up doing make up doodles on us. Hers is the rainbow, and I drew a shark and a wave on myself. After using that collage website tonight more than once I have decided I do not like it very much. It isn't peachy. If anyone knows of an easy (free) effective way to combine pictures together let me know in the comments.

We made hot chocolate but the tap water made it taste like poo. So I picked every single marshmallow out of the lucky charm box and ate those. 

I sat on Chloe. No one knows why. I think she enjoyed it.

This is Zasper, Bridgette's dog. His breath stinks and he likes his belly rubbed.  Cute little puppy.

Last thing I want to talk about:

Our news station is easily the worst ever. I won't launch into detail, just know it's painfully awful.  So they asked this question on Facebook this morning and of course started a huge argument between everybody. This seems to be a favorite pass time for the Abilene Midday crew. Ugh. It was mostly religious people arguing that "God made Adam and Eve", and then the atheist free thinkers arguing (with out the illiteracy of the homophobes) that everyone is equal. So of course I had to put in a little something. My comment was something along the lines of "You gay bashers are disgusting. With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion". Apart from the 'You gay bashers are disgusting' part the rest is a quote from Steven Weinberg. This really did make me angry. It was way too early in the morning to be listening to dumb people say cruel things about other human beings. I ended up scribbling this on a piece of paper. Turns out my camera mirrors everything so I had to write it backwards, that's why there's various letters that are facing the wrong direction...

I posted that to Facebook. End of story.  I can't wait to (hopefully) participate in the Gay Pride Parade in dallas. It's some time this fall and I plan on handing out rainbow sugar cookies.

Aye, it's really late. I'm extremely tired. I think it's time for incense and maybe some quiet music. Oh and a very very dark room. With a quilt. Anyway, thanks for reading. Don't eat at Chick-Fil-A. I'm serious, don't do it! Follow on twitter, become a shark, like on Facebook. Keep it peachy. Love the comments.


  1. Thanks for standing with equality. It's so important! We cannot go on by treating humans differently based on sexual orientation. It's sickening and awful. I love the rainbow sugar cookie idea! I wish I could come to the dallas pride fest!

    1. Yeah, I agree. :) I don't even think we should label it. Were all human. Your not different because your gay, or lesbian, or anything else. Still the same, equal. I'm really looking forward to the dallas parade, it should be fantastic! Maybe I'll have to dye my hair rainbow colors too?
