
I had to

This was inevitable. I had to do it. My friend just happened to have the perfect color pallet. Yay. I was very excited about this because I got the proportions on it perfect. I also did the colors, and lines fantastically as well. The picture on the bottom right should be explained. The dog (Zasper) crept up on me. I was taking a picture and then all of a sudden he was there, all upside down. So... 

This is really just a post about my Ziggy Stardust make up. I do want to talk about one other thing though. So I'll talk about that thing, and also show you other pictures of my Ziggy Stardust make up. 

I usually don't wear my hair up but that day it worked. 

  I want to say that there will always be a rude person. Someone is going to tell you something that hurts your feelings, it's inexorable. I just looked up up inexorable in the thesaurus. It has a slightly different meaning than 'inevitable' and fits with this concept a lot better. The definition of inexorable is "impossible to stop or prevent".

I usually make this face when someone says something stupid and rude. Really what's the point? So then my first inclination is to tell them how ignorant they are. Then I take a few seconds (usually about two) to decide weather I should deal with them using plan A or plan B.

Plan A: Shrug it off because unlike that mean person who just said and/or did something uncool ,  your going to be the bigger person. They are a rudy pants. Just walk away. Or ignore. You automatically win. Even if they think they won. Just know: You won. Yay winning!

 Plan B: Tell them that they are being senseless and crude. Sometimes in the heat of the moment you use words that are usually deemed inappropriate. If I go with this plan I make sure to take my time. It's hard but you have to keep your head planted firmly on your shoulder. If you just start spewing out words because your angry then what does that make you? You don't want to accidentally sink to their level. Don't be like the mean person. Think of something intelligent to say. Use big words because those are usually scary. Use something they've never heard of. Something like insolent. It means: showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect.They will be so puzzled. 

Plan A is always the higher route. Plan B is for drastic occurrences. Examples: If you see someone being bullied. If someone is being racist. If someone is mean to your friend.

This is a Facebook post I wrote a while back. I was using Plan B because a lot of my "Facebook  friends" were being very racist and I did not approve. 

There's an example of a well executed plan B. Either way you go don't let them get you down. Laugh it off. They can't get to you because your awesome.

If you feel down, light an inscent and make a face. The bowie make up is optional but highly recommended.

Aye, I need to finish getting ready. Don't forget to be awesome today, like on Facebook, follow on twitter, become a shark, and check out the tumblr because I worked really hard on it. Keep it peachy.

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