
Plastic Girls

I spend a lot of my time wishing I lived anywhere but west texas. Well it's not all bad. (Ugh it almost hurts to say that) I found somewhere I really like. 

We've been spending time at Possum Kingdom lake. A rather large, clear, pretty body of water. Hanging out around the dock care free with crazy wild wind blown unwashed hair has got to be one of the most pure ways to just have fun, and most importantly (dun dun dunnn) BE HAPPY! 

When I'm out there I can't find one thing to worry about. I don't get up in the morning and follow this routine I've fallen into. I just live in the present taking everything in moment by precious moment. This crazy care free feeling I've discovered has constantly been on my mind when I'm not there. 

So I've found myself at war with society. It's a huge break through for me. As a teenage girl the things I thought about a lot are (no matter how much I denied it) things that don't really matter. I was spending so much time on makeup, hair, and outfits. Jeeze. All those things that became such a heavy party of my life just washed right off my shoulders. I haven't thrown away my makeup or given up the curling iron. No, those are things that I enjoy. I just don't depend on them. Instead of thinking about what society expects of me to do everyday to make myself "presentable" I just do what ever the hell I want. I wake up in the morning and say "What do I want to wear? Perfect.". Wow what a self confidence booster too! We all know that feeling when you put together an outfit, or a hair do, or a new make up look. The one were you walk out of the house half confident in yourself because 50% of you is proud your trying out the new look but the other 50% of you knows that your only doing it because it looked good on that model in that magazine, so your wondering if you can pull it off or not. Not a good feeling. Seriously unfun. So instead of going through all that ridiculously unnecessary inner turmoil throw on whatever you think is fantastic, and rock it. 

So there I am. Totally 100% me. I'm not wearing make up (you can't see my face. oops) and my hair is in its natural state of crazy. Happy as a rainbow pony.

You know what? I really like crazy. The antonym of crazy according to my macbook dictionary is sane. A synonym of sane is normal. The definition of normal is "conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. I would shoot myself in the face before I lived a usual, typical, expected life. Gross. Ew. Nasty. 

I'll end this topic with a song. I listen to this when ever I'm feeling a little down about myself. When I see someone that makes you think "Woah she/he's perfect. Why not me?" this is the pick me up I listen to. It's pretty unorthodox. It isn't 'Nobody's Perfect' by Hannah Montana. But it is a great song, by an awesome band. So if you wanna hear it the song title is Plastic Girls and it's by The Minds. It's just a song about the fact that perfect isn't even pretty. Especially not your stereotypical Plastic Girls.

Just wanted you to know I made a cookie stack and you should make a cookie stack because they are fantastic. Seriously. These are the yumilicious cookies I made from the recipe in THIS blog post. So if your looking for a challenge, go make these, make a cookie stack, take a picture and email it to me! Fun. 

Aye, It's really late. I should sleep. So I guess I'll go. Don't forget to like Sugar Sharks on Facebook and follow on twitter! Have a Holly Jolly Christmas. I don't know why that popped into my head. Rambling much? Guilty. Alright leave an awesome comment! I read them all. :)


  1. I love your blog, and I'm definitely following you! follow back? :) I loved what you had to say about being crazy as opposed to being sane or normal. I would much rather be crazy too!


  2. Haha, tool works! I will definitely follow you! Thanks for being awesome! ;)
