
I love henna tattoos and Edward Scissorhands

Remember when I wrote that post about how I was going to "get back on track with my workout". Well that did not happen. So yesterday I had another one of those 'I really need some physical activity' kind of break through moments. I just feel better when I'm on some sort of work out regimen. So I set my alarm for eight and just like I did before, didn't get up. Ugh. Well I did the workout anyway. So that's the story of why my legs feel like jelly. 

My two rings. Hmm I think I should acquire some more... I like wearing them together. The rose ring is from a shop on etsy. She had a booth at an art fair my dad was participating in... I can't remember her name. The bird ring is from PacSun. So I watched Edward Scissorhands yesterday. I had seen bits and pieces of this movie before but I never actually took the time to get into it until yesterday. Mind. Blown.

First of all: this. Is this not the coolest vision of suburbia ever?! Everything is identical, apart from the ever changing bright pastel colors. From the cars, to the houses, to the grass. I hope I never have to live in suburbia. I love how the movie captures the suburbia/house wife life so perfectly in its stereotype while also shedding a different light on it. It reminds me of Dr. Seuss. By the way, I noticed the odd image size. Yeah... I don't know.

Um, I think I'm in love. Why is this image size so odd!? It doesn't even matter. Just look at his face. Flawless. Everything about his character in this movie is perfect. There's really nothing else to say. 

I don't know what this means, but when I saw that my phone was "cleaning" Facebook I thought it was hilarious. Facebook does get filthy sometimes. I saw an Ecard that said "I used to wish I could read peoples minds. Then I got a Facebook, and now I'm over it". I think that raps up Facebook perfectly. 

Just wanted to show you something I thought was fantastic. Yes thats a henna tattoo. Yes it's an elephant. Can you ever go wrong with elephants? Nope. This summer I want to get a big henna tattoo. I'd like it on my arm like a sleeve. I don't want it to be cheesy or tribalish, because lets face it: Unless your Johnny Depp (yes I'm officially hooked) your tribal tattoo looks douchy. I just want it to be elegant and ocean inspired. You know... Sharks, and sting rays,  and jelly fish, and waves, and such. But elegant. It's all about the elegance. Ha.

Aye, I think I'll go and create myself a tumblr account. Weee! Don't forget to follow on twitter, like on Facebook, and become a shark!!! ;) wink wink Thanks for reading, and commenting.


  1. Hey thanks for following!! Just followed back :D I bought a henna kit lately and it's soo much fun and you can do them yourself :)

    1. I looked into that! Sounds fun, but I'd hate myself if I screwed it up. I'd like to see your henna works! ;) Thanks for following...
