
Lucky Day

 We went to the Pet store today. Just a spontaneous thing to kill time. We really weren't going to buy anything. 


Can you recognize this? I'll give you a hint. Were do pearls come from? Its a clam! A live one! See that gaping hole in the middle with the little teeth like things? That's its mouth. Crazy right? I thought so. It was huge to! Like 14 inches by 8 inches wide, watermelon size only more round.

This is a really shoddy photo. I just wanted to show you the balla shark. It's the blurry one with the shark like black fins.

I just realized you can  put the pictures next to each other. *Face Palm.

They have a large selection of fish and aquarium life but they have some other animals as well. 

So here is the main reason I am posting again today. Um, I am not the luckiest person ever. So I understand the pain of watching some one else basking in their luckiness but... I was lucky today and I am about to throw an online party and I'm going to toot my little horn. Toot!

Incase you can't read that little sign, it says something along the lines of "sink a quarter on the shot glass and win a free beta fish". Guess who won a free beta fish? TOOT! TOOOOT! TOOT. Oh yeah, I did. I won a beta fish. When that little quarter settled itself on that shot glass in that under water obstacle course I yelled "AHHH OH MY GOD IT LANDED ON THE SHOT GLASS!". I threw my arms in the air and screamed. Then I proceeded to dangle my limbs around and shout across the store to the employees. People might have been staring but I was so full of joy I didn't notice. I also didn't realize how obnoxious that was, until now. It was necessary. For sure. Okay maybe winning a five dollar fish for free isn't THAT big of a deal but for me it was. It was the only thing on my birthday wish list I didn't accomplish. Crazy how things work out... 

I picked the hottest one there and named it Joey Ramone. He is very swimmy and I noticed that he likes to rub the side of the bowl and play with the bubbles as they float to the top. 

He is a very beautiful fish. Imagine a peacock infused with red. That's exactly what he looks like! He has turquoise, dark candy blue, vibrant blue, dark purple, black, light purple, red, sea foam green!!!! So. Many. Colors. He has so many colors I'm gonna die!

See? I think we are already best friends too. All I've done since I got home is take pictures of him (which is hard) and sing Ramones songs to him. You know what? There is some kind of magical connection going on here. It's a match made from heaven. Were so tight that if we both joined match.com prior to our meeting, we totally would have been matched. I kid you not. He swims a lot. But only on my side of fish bowl. We are totally bros man. We even have periods of uninterrupted eye contact.

He looks like fireworks in this one. This is the best one I got of him with his fins spread out. Every now and then he sees his reflection and gets all protective of his predatory. "Come at me bro!"

I love my wee little friend. 

Aye, I ate chinese food earlier and now my tummy is like "Why?". I am going to go have myself a nap. Don't forget to follow on Facebook, like on twitter (that's a little backwards), go see the tumblr, and become a shark. Keep everything peachy. 



  1. I used to have a beta fish! Except I had quite a few other fish in the tank as well, and my gourami fish used to bite its tail :/ If you cut up peas in to smaller bits its supposed to be like a treat for them :)
