
You must have seen her. Dancing In the sand.

Oh how I wish I could write about all the magical things that have occurred in my life. Well I can't. For now they are secrets. It's going to be hard. Secrets don't make friends you know...

I made seashell jewelry the other day. In this picture you can see half of the necklace and one of the rings. I made two but unfortunately the seashell on both of them fell of. Thank you superglue.

Here's the rest of the necklace. You can also the bracelet I made. It's still intact, probably because I haven't worn it yet. This is my favorite outfit lately. The pants are my favorite ever! They fit my personal style so perfect. They're bohemian, and beachy. So versatile too. I have worn them with this airy tank top, and with a t-shirt. Oh and they fit amazing! I lack a butt (It's common in Atlantieans. I'm from Atlantis, remember?) and the pleats give a nice little illusion. Tehe. Oh and guess what? My mom made them for me. That's right, be jealous.

I know what your thinking. Oh my that's a big lemon! No. It's not a lemon! This is, in fact, a picture of an orange. A yellow orange. Weird right?

We went to a fabric store today. Azo immediately found the pink silk. Just look at those huge eyes. She told me she wanted mom to make her a dress out of it. I think deep down no matter how much you deny it, every girl loves pink. At least a little bit. 

We discovered these next. I can never remember what they're called. Boas? I love all the bright colors in this picture.

At possum kingdom lake there are deer everywhere! The come right up to you to. This one looked walked right up to our car and munched some turkey jerky. It looks really skinny from the front and really pregnant from the side... Look at those big eyes.

I've found the best chocolate chip cookie dough recipe. Seriously. It's the one thats soft and gooey when you pull it out of the oven but then they get perfectly crunchy and fantastic. You can eat them how ever floats your boat! It's great with MnMs too!
It tastes just like the rolls you buy at the grocery store, only homemade! So after finding this recipe and making it many times I have perfected it. I usually don't post the recipes but I have to share this one. So I'll write the recipe but promise you'll read the tips at the bottom.


2 cups (260 grams) all purpose flour

1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup (170 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature

2/3 cup (130 grams) granulated white sugar

2/3 cup (140 grams) firmly packed light brown sugar

1 large egg

1 large egg yolk

1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

1 cup (200 grams) M&M's® or Smarties®candies

Tips (read these! For serious!): 

1. I always half this recipe and it still makes a lot of dough. Don't think to much into it. Just bake what you'll eat and refrigerate the rest. It tastes even better the next day.

2. If you're a perfectionist when it comes to the appearance of your baked goods (like me) you'll want to wait and add the chocolate chips or MnM's on top of the dough right before baking. It looks a lot prettier, especially with the m and ms...

3.  I like to use self rising flour. It's the same as using all purpose only you don't use the baking soda or salt. The main perk is that you don't have to sift anything together. Just add the flour.

4. Don't forget to smoosh them down a little bit. This part really makes the cookie. 

5. When you bake cookies you usually have two options. You can let them cook all the way to perfection in the oven and then immediately take them off the cookie sheet when your done OR you can let them cook until they are just about ready and then take them out, leaving them to cool on the pan. If you want your cookies to cool off completely before eating them (they will be a little crunchier, not so gooey), go for the second one. If you leave them on the sheet after they've baked all the way they will continue to cook and may burn. I prefer the first option because I like mine fresh out of the oven warm and gooey. 

First you'll cream the butter and the sugars (brown and white).  
While it's getting creamy sift together the flour, baking soda, and salt. Don't skip the sifting! 
Okay set the dry ingredients aside.
 Add the egg. 
Wait until its 100% incorporated and then add the vanilla. 
Now slowly add your dry ingredients. 
Next add the chocolate chips. (you can wait and press them onto before baking for a prettier cookie!)
Your dough is probably a little soft. You want it to be hard enough to roll into balls. This means the dreaded fridge time. It shouldn't take too long. I usually do the dishes and clean up the kitchen mess while I'm waiting.

Wrap up your dough in saran wrap and stick it in the fridge to chill. 

When your dough is ready before you take it out and start fiddling with it, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Get your cookie sheet out and cover it in tin foil, because we both know that makes it so much easier to clean. Roll balls of dough out. For a normal sized cookie they are a little smaller than 1 inch in diameter. Spread them out on your cookie sheet. Make sure they have room to blossom. 

Alright almost done!

Use a tablespoon measuring cup (or smaller/bigger depending on cookie size) to smoosh them. Push down in the center of the cooke and make circular motions towards the outside. Smoosh them just until its flat and round around the edges. If you wanted your cookie to be prettier and saved you chocolate chips or MnMs now is when you'll want gently press them on top It's okay if they're close together because your cookies will rise and grow, just make sure you get enough on there. Now stick them in the oven. I never use a timer. So I can't tell you how long to put them in for. Keep an eye on them, and when they are golden brown along the edges they are ready. Now you have wonderful cookies that taste magnificent! 

This was adapted from this recipe: original recipe

Alright. This is my first time writing down a recipe. I hope someone read this and got some yummy cookies out of it. If you have any questions or comments leave them below or email me! 

Aye,  I think I'll go paint my nails. Come back again soon!

Let me know how your cookies turned out!

Ps. The title is a lyric from the song Tiny Dancer by Elton John
one of my favorite songs right now!


  1. THOSE PANTS ARE WAY TOO COOL. I want to make a pair!! Did she buy a pattern??

    1. aw thanks! she made the pattern out of tissue paper! It was modified as it came together. They are one of a kind ;) You can't see the bottom but they are below the knee bloomers. For pirates. Yo ho ho, and a bottle a rum.
