
Your at a cheap run down teenage jail

I'm really into the teenage angst thing right now. I've been listening to The Runaways nonstop, constantly thinking up ways to rebel against society in a way that's sophisticated but crazy and cool. 

I gave my sister a very nontraditional make over today. I hope everybody who's reading this has already figured out who she's modeled after. Aside from the leather jacket of course; really it should be a leather jumpsuit. Anyway her make up is inspired my David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust. Right now I listen to that song at least once a day and I plan on naming my next pet after him. 

This is a crazy picture I took in the car on our way back from the lake. The camera mirrored my shirt so you can't see that it reads "Die Yuppy Scum".  

Spontaneous is my favorite word right now. I live by it. Even the orthodox things you do are better if you do them spontaneously when least expected just because. Like buying a birthday cake when it isn't even anyones birthday. Yes we did that today.

"Die my hair something crazy spontaneously", is on my bucket list and right now it's the one I'm most eager to complete. I haven't decided on a color but you know what? It's supposed to be SPONTANEOUS! I will not think to much into it, nor will I spend any time think to much into it. Im just gonna do it. No need to wish me luck. 

I want to share a list of songs that I have been really into. These are the ones I listen to when I'm feeling particularly rebellious all the time. Constantly. 

1. Dead End Justice by The Runaways
It's about getting arrested, staying in juvi, and escaping from juvi.  This is my favorite right now. 

2. I Wanna Be Were The Boys Are by The Runaways
The title pretty much explains this one. It's really, hmm, fierce? One thing that's great about The Runaways is that they were kick ass females who rocked (literally) in a time and profession that was mostly just guys. 

3. Cherry Bomb by, can you guess??? The Runaways
Let me just give you a little song lyric "hello daddy, hello mom, Im your ch ch ch ch ch ch ch CHERRY BOMB!!!" They actually wrote this song for Cherie Curry who, unfortunately and ironically, is now a conservative christian republican.

4. American Nights by The Runaways
"You kids are so strange. American nights, your never gonna change" This song is really catchy.

5.  Ziggy Stardust by David Bowie
Just amazing. Seriously one of the best ever. 

6. Moonage Daydream by David Bowie
Funny story actually. My earliest memories of music are of me in the car with my mom listening to those old things they called tapes. I remember listening to No Doubt and Siouxsie and the Banshees. My favorite was David Bowie. Just one song. I didn't know the name of the song, all I knew was the first couple of lyrics. "I'm an alligator, I'm a mama-papa comin' for you", that's all I knew but it was my absolute favorite song. So this is that song, incase you didn't put that together yet. 

Alright I just want to say one last thing. Watch Usual Suspects. Oh. My. GOD. Best movie ever. It's so good I get all giddy and excited when I talk about it, because I feel like I'm in on some crazy fantastic secret. If you haven't seen this movie watch it. If you have, comment and tell me about your experience. 

Aye, Im going to go. KEYSER SOZE!!! Seriously watch that movie. I'm serious. Oh and don't forget to follow on twitter, like on Facebook, and newly added to the site: Follow on google plus something or another. The buttons right over there on the side. An award will be given to the first subscriber! ;)


  1. /gasp. dyeing my hair is also on my bucket list! And I love The Runaways :3


    1. Thanks for following me! Your blog is awesome :) Ive always wanted to dye my hair but been too afraid to mess it up haha. My friend has dyed hers like literally every colour imaginable, so ive always had hair envy!

    2. My friends too! I'm definitely looking forward to changing it up. :) Thanks for commenting! ;D
