
Would you stop worrying about the punks?

Usually I have lots of ideas of topics to write about in my blog. Not the case lately. I have no idea why, all I know is that it makes frequent updating hard. I don't have a super well thought out blog post for you. I do have quite a few random reoccurring thoughts I can tell you about. I am going to number them like a list in an attempt to make this more professional. Also I'm using random pictures from random times that haven't been used.

This is our cat, Quatro (as in Suzi Quatro). He's so cute. Are you kitten me right meow?

1. Now that I've started I've forgotten everything that's ever crossed my mind ever. 

2. Hmmmm.

3. Why is this hard?

4. I ate a banana the other day.

5. I took a picture of the banana. 

6. Oh my crab.  I am so brain dead. 

7. I think I'll just go.

Aye. Well follow on twitter, and like the Facebook. Don't forget to become a shark. Oh yeah. The title is from the song bye for now by Lagwagon. "Would you stop worrying about the punks? They're just a bunch of kids with growing pains. They'll probably be doctors and lawyers someday."


Holy Crab

Short blogpost. We spent the weekend having fun at the lake. Fishing, swimming, and boating. I've been trying really hard to work on my tan. I am definitely a darker shade of pasty. So that's cool. 

I spent a lot of time working on my bucket list. So I brought my ukulele to knock off  'play a ukulele in a boat'. Well that's not even on my bucket list. Oh well. I did try to do a successful backflip but I just kept landing really hard on my back with my legs sticking up in the air. It was just really awkward. 

This isn't the best picture and I was not posing. I didn't even know it was being taken. I think I was laughing or something...

I took all of these pictures a while ago, I've just been waiting for the right post. I didn't take many pictures at the lake so I figured I would use them as filler. 

Aye, I am tired. I actually have a few things I want to right about just not right now. So go follow the twitter, like the Facebook, become a shark, and go see the tumblr. Comment and let me know what you did this weekend. I feel brain dead. So. Tired. Keep it peachy. I am a tired peach.


Lucky Day

 We went to the Pet store today. Just a spontaneous thing to kill time. We really weren't going to buy anything. 


Can you recognize this? I'll give you a hint. Were do pearls come from? Its a clam! A live one! See that gaping hole in the middle with the little teeth like things? That's its mouth. Crazy right? I thought so. It was huge to! Like 14 inches by 8 inches wide, watermelon size only more round.

This is a really shoddy photo. I just wanted to show you the balla shark. It's the blurry one with the shark like black fins.

I just realized you can  put the pictures next to each other. *Face Palm.

They have a large selection of fish and aquarium life but they have some other animals as well. 

So here is the main reason I am posting again today. Um, I am not the luckiest person ever. So I understand the pain of watching some one else basking in their luckiness but... I was lucky today and I am about to throw an online party and I'm going to toot my little horn. Toot!

Incase you can't read that little sign, it says something along the lines of "sink a quarter on the shot glass and win a free beta fish". Guess who won a free beta fish? TOOT! TOOOOT! TOOT. Oh yeah, I did. I won a beta fish. When that little quarter settled itself on that shot glass in that under water obstacle course I yelled "AHHH OH MY GOD IT LANDED ON THE SHOT GLASS!". I threw my arms in the air and screamed. Then I proceeded to dangle my limbs around and shout across the store to the employees. People might have been staring but I was so full of joy I didn't notice. I also didn't realize how obnoxious that was, until now. It was necessary. For sure. Okay maybe winning a five dollar fish for free isn't THAT big of a deal but for me it was. It was the only thing on my birthday wish list I didn't accomplish. Crazy how things work out... 

I picked the hottest one there and named it Joey Ramone. He is very swimmy and I noticed that he likes to rub the side of the bowl and play with the bubbles as they float to the top. 

He is a very beautiful fish. Imagine a peacock infused with red. That's exactly what he looks like! He has turquoise, dark candy blue, vibrant blue, dark purple, black, light purple, red, sea foam green!!!! So. Many. Colors. He has so many colors I'm gonna die!

See? I think we are already best friends too. All I've done since I got home is take pictures of him (which is hard) and sing Ramones songs to him. You know what? There is some kind of magical connection going on here. It's a match made from heaven. Were so tight that if we both joined match.com prior to our meeting, we totally would have been matched. I kid you not. He swims a lot. But only on my side of fish bowl. We are totally bros man. We even have periods of uninterrupted eye contact.

He looks like fireworks in this one. This is the best one I got of him with his fins spread out. Every now and then he sees his reflection and gets all protective of his predatory. "Come at me bro!"

I love my wee little friend. 

Aye, I ate chinese food earlier and now my tummy is like "Why?". I am going to go have myself a nap. Don't forget to follow on Facebook, like on twitter (that's a little backwards), go see the tumblr, and become a shark. Keep everything peachy. 


I had to

This was inevitable. I had to do it. My friend just happened to have the perfect color pallet. Yay. I was very excited about this because I got the proportions on it perfect. I also did the colors, and lines fantastically as well. The picture on the bottom right should be explained. The dog (Zasper) crept up on me. I was taking a picture and then all of a sudden he was there, all upside down. So... 

This is really just a post about my Ziggy Stardust make up. I do want to talk about one other thing though. So I'll talk about that thing, and also show you other pictures of my Ziggy Stardust make up. 

I usually don't wear my hair up but that day it worked. 

  I want to say that there will always be a rude person. Someone is going to tell you something that hurts your feelings, it's inexorable. I just looked up up inexorable in the thesaurus. It has a slightly different meaning than 'inevitable' and fits with this concept a lot better. The definition of inexorable is "impossible to stop or prevent".

I usually make this face when someone says something stupid and rude. Really what's the point? So then my first inclination is to tell them how ignorant they are. Then I take a few seconds (usually about two) to decide weather I should deal with them using plan A or plan B.

Plan A: Shrug it off because unlike that mean person who just said and/or did something uncool ,  your going to be the bigger person. They are a rudy pants. Just walk away. Or ignore. You automatically win. Even if they think they won. Just know: You won. Yay winning!

 Plan B: Tell them that they are being senseless and crude. Sometimes in the heat of the moment you use words that are usually deemed inappropriate. If I go with this plan I make sure to take my time. It's hard but you have to keep your head planted firmly on your shoulder. If you just start spewing out words because your angry then what does that make you? You don't want to accidentally sink to their level. Don't be like the mean person. Think of something intelligent to say. Use big words because those are usually scary. Use something they've never heard of. Something like insolent. It means: showing a rude and arrogant lack of respect.They will be so puzzled. 

Plan A is always the higher route. Plan B is for drastic occurrences. Examples: If you see someone being bullied. If someone is being racist. If someone is mean to your friend.

This is a Facebook post I wrote a while back. I was using Plan B because a lot of my "Facebook  friends" were being very racist and I did not approve. 

There's an example of a well executed plan B. Either way you go don't let them get you down. Laugh it off. They can't get to you because your awesome.

If you feel down, light an inscent and make a face. The bowie make up is optional but highly recommended.

Aye, I need to finish getting ready. Don't forget to be awesome today, like on Facebook, follow on twitter, become a shark, and check out the tumblr because I worked really hard on it. Keep it peachy.


Teenage Girl Antics

I spent the night over at my friends house. It was Bridgette, Chloe, and I; the three best friends ever. 
We baked cookies. The ones I was talking about in the last post. They were pretty good, however I didn't get good pictures and in all honesty I don't think they were worth a blog post...

We took a ton of pictures. Too many. Just kidding, there's never too many! These are just some of my favorites. I found this site were you can make collages online. It's helpful when you want to throw some pictures together instead of uploading a bunch into your blog feed. Nothing special, if you'd like to check it out here's the site. This is also what I used to make my RedRock collage

So I got a full on make over from Bridgette. They eyeliner took an extremely long time and I ended up doing make up doodles on us. Hers is the rainbow, and I drew a shark and a wave on myself. After using that collage website tonight more than once I have decided I do not like it very much. It isn't peachy. If anyone knows of an easy (free) effective way to combine pictures together let me know in the comments.

We made hot chocolate but the tap water made it taste like poo. So I picked every single marshmallow out of the lucky charm box and ate those. 

I sat on Chloe. No one knows why. I think she enjoyed it.

This is Zasper, Bridgette's dog. His breath stinks and he likes his belly rubbed.  Cute little puppy.

Last thing I want to talk about:

Our news station is easily the worst ever. I won't launch into detail, just know it's painfully awful.  So they asked this question on Facebook this morning and of course started a huge argument between everybody. This seems to be a favorite pass time for the Abilene Midday crew. Ugh. It was mostly religious people arguing that "God made Adam and Eve", and then the atheist free thinkers arguing (with out the illiteracy of the homophobes) that everyone is equal. So of course I had to put in a little something. My comment was something along the lines of "You gay bashers are disgusting. With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion". Apart from the 'You gay bashers are disgusting' part the rest is a quote from Steven Weinberg. This really did make me angry. It was way too early in the morning to be listening to dumb people say cruel things about other human beings. I ended up scribbling this on a piece of paper. Turns out my camera mirrors everything so I had to write it backwards, that's why there's various letters that are facing the wrong direction...

I posted that to Facebook. End of story.  I can't wait to (hopefully) participate in the Gay Pride Parade in dallas. It's some time this fall and I plan on handing out rainbow sugar cookies.

Aye, it's really late. I'm extremely tired. I think it's time for incense and maybe some quiet music. Oh and a very very dark room. With a quilt. Anyway, thanks for reading. Don't eat at Chick-Fil-A. I'm serious, don't do it! Follow on twitter, become a shark, like on Facebook. Keep it peachy. Love the comments.


Om Nom Nom Nom

Today I went for a run. Yesterday I got back on track with my workout regimen. It's nothing fancy just a workout video. On one of the pamphlets that comes with it I read that your only supposed to do the video every other day in order to give your body time to recuperate and get stronger. So since I did the video yesterday, I went for a jog instead today. 

I ran quite a ways, with out stopping, or getting cramps. For that I was proud. So then it was time to turn and head back home. I didn't feel like running, and for some reason listening to Tiny Dancer by Elton John made me want to dance. Anyway, there was this girl who slowly made her way down the dirt road doing these really weird interpretive dance moves. They were very big and eccentric and it was great cardio.

I even got a picture. It felt good to just let it all out. Oh, and you know I looked special doing those fancy moves. So I did this all the way to the pond. There's a lot more shade there, and the grass is soft and green. I put my phone on the ground, unplugged my headphones, and turned the volume all the way up. By then I was over the interpretive dance and decided to do something else. Punch dancing. I punch danced. I even tried out a few flips, but I'm really not that acrobatic and ended up just falling really hard on my back. Worth it. :)

Now I'm sore, my calfs are burning! It's rewarding though. I already feel better. Tonight I had the most fantastic simple meal ever.

First we snacked on these little brochettes. Oh, these are just the best. Light (okay the french bread isn't light, but just go with it) and super delicious. These are one of my all time favorite little foods. You just can't go wrong.

Next is salad. I'm very proud of this one. It was SOOO good. Carrots, red onion, red tip lettuce (i think thats what its called), ranch, and balsamic vinaigrette. Um. Yum. I was all like "om nom nom nom nom". Really yummy. So simple and healthy too. Aside from the dressings, both are a tad bit fatty. Oh well. 

I used the left over baguette to make two big slices of bread to go along with the soup. I melted some mozzarella over it. Okay it kind of melted. Good enough. I put salt and pepper on top, along with some italian seasonings. I love french bread. I'll have to make my own sometime. So good.

Tomato soup. Mmmmmm. That's how I describe this. Warm and tasty. I love tomato soup because it has all those hardy flavors and it really fills you up, but it doesn't way you down. Oh, the power of fruits camouflaged as veggies.  

Last but not least, cookies. I didn't spend too much time on these because I was full and tired. They were a little overcooked, and needed some tweaking. They are actually heath, and mint chocolate cookies. I will talk about these in more detail on a later blog post. I have left over dough, so I'll take more time and better pictures. Tomorrow, I'm hoping. 

So I had a fantastic 4 course meal today. 5 courses if you count the bread. It was very good. Seriously delicious, fast, and easy. I did all of it myself apart from the brochettes, which my dad made. There's something indescribably satisfactory about making a meal for yourself, a really nice meal, and then eating it. Everyone should make themselves a nice meal once a week. Whether it's grilled cheese, pancakes, or you name it. Make yourself a meal, because you deserve it!

Aye, It's late so I should be getting some beauty rest now. I'll be going to my friends house tomorrow so I'll try and get a post out but who knows. Please follow on twitter, like on Facebook, check out the new tumblr, and become a shark. Most importantly, Keep it peachy!

RedRock Fashion Competition

I found the RedRock Contest yesterday and I got so excited that I stayed up waaaay too late creating my collage. So if your interested in the contest just go click on the link above. It will take you to the original RedRock blog post with all the info. Basically you find one or more of their products and creatively show (via blog) how you would style them. Then you email the link over to RedRock. There are other requirements so I suggest looking at the original blog post if your interested.

When I went to their website I didn't immediately fall in love. They have great stuff and especially fantastic vintage items. I just wasn't sure if I could pull some of it off. So I kept looking and then it hit me. I found some items I really liked. RedRock has something for everyone, so go check them out. 

I wanted to create a look for an outdoor festival of some kind. I've been dying to go to Coachella ever since I first heard of it. Which, ironically, wasn't that long ago. The shirts are my chosen items from RedRock. 

1.  This RedRock cut off shirt is light and airy perfect for a hot summery day. The knot in the front is perfect, I just love a knotted shirt.

2. This RedRock top is loose and comfy but it offers more coverage, making it perfect for a cool rainy day. 

3. and 4. I've been wanting shorts like these forever! They are the perfect cutoffs. 

3. I'd wear these with shirt 1. They are simple enough that they wouldn't clash with the bold yellow top, but spunky enough with the studs and the fringe to still be all, "Yeah! I'm awesome in my cutoff shorts and knotted crop top!"

 4. I'd want to wear these with shirt 2.The bleached ombre thing that these shorts have going would bring some extra oomph to the simple top.  

5, 6, and 7. Two adorable rings and the what's probably the coolest necklace ever. 

8. When I saw these Volcom (my favorite) shoes, I died. They sum up my whole fashion sense and everything I expect of summer in one pair of shoes. They are perfect for an outdoor festival. Cut, light, airy. 

So you can find the RedRock shirts at their website (link above). The rest I found on this awesome site called Wanelo. I highly recommend taking a gander at this website phenomenon. You can easily find all these items in my collection here

Aye, I'm really excited about this contest so wish me luck! I think I'll do another post later so don't forget to check in! And follow on twitter, become a shark, and like on Facebook!!! It would be greatly appreciated. I'll follow back! 


I love henna tattoos and Edward Scissorhands

Remember when I wrote that post about how I was going to "get back on track with my workout". Well that did not happen. So yesterday I had another one of those 'I really need some physical activity' kind of break through moments. I just feel better when I'm on some sort of work out regimen. So I set my alarm for eight and just like I did before, didn't get up. Ugh. Well I did the workout anyway. So that's the story of why my legs feel like jelly. 

My two rings. Hmm I think I should acquire some more... I like wearing them together. The rose ring is from a shop on etsy. She had a booth at an art fair my dad was participating in... I can't remember her name. The bird ring is from PacSun. So I watched Edward Scissorhands yesterday. I had seen bits and pieces of this movie before but I never actually took the time to get into it until yesterday. Mind. Blown.

First of all: this. Is this not the coolest vision of suburbia ever?! Everything is identical, apart from the ever changing bright pastel colors. From the cars, to the houses, to the grass. I hope I never have to live in suburbia. I love how the movie captures the suburbia/house wife life so perfectly in its stereotype while also shedding a different light on it. It reminds me of Dr. Seuss. By the way, I noticed the odd image size. Yeah... I don't know.

Um, I think I'm in love. Why is this image size so odd!? It doesn't even matter. Just look at his face. Flawless. Everything about his character in this movie is perfect. There's really nothing else to say. 

I don't know what this means, but when I saw that my phone was "cleaning" Facebook I thought it was hilarious. Facebook does get filthy sometimes. I saw an Ecard that said "I used to wish I could read peoples minds. Then I got a Facebook, and now I'm over it". I think that raps up Facebook perfectly. 

Just wanted to show you something I thought was fantastic. Yes thats a henna tattoo. Yes it's an elephant. Can you ever go wrong with elephants? Nope. This summer I want to get a big henna tattoo. I'd like it on my arm like a sleeve. I don't want it to be cheesy or tribalish, because lets face it: Unless your Johnny Depp (yes I'm officially hooked) your tribal tattoo looks douchy. I just want it to be elegant and ocean inspired. You know... Sharks, and sting rays,  and jelly fish, and waves, and such. But elegant. It's all about the elegance. Ha.

Aye, I think I'll go and create myself a tumblr account. Weee! Don't forget to follow on twitter, like on Facebook, and become a shark!!! ;) wink wink Thanks for reading, and commenting.


Your at a cheap run down teenage jail

I'm really into the teenage angst thing right now. I've been listening to The Runaways nonstop, constantly thinking up ways to rebel against society in a way that's sophisticated but crazy and cool. 

I gave my sister a very nontraditional make over today. I hope everybody who's reading this has already figured out who she's modeled after. Aside from the leather jacket of course; really it should be a leather jumpsuit. Anyway her make up is inspired my David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust. Right now I listen to that song at least once a day and I plan on naming my next pet after him. 

This is a crazy picture I took in the car on our way back from the lake. The camera mirrored my shirt so you can't see that it reads "Die Yuppy Scum".  

Spontaneous is my favorite word right now. I live by it. Even the orthodox things you do are better if you do them spontaneously when least expected just because. Like buying a birthday cake when it isn't even anyones birthday. Yes we did that today.

"Die my hair something crazy spontaneously", is on my bucket list and right now it's the one I'm most eager to complete. I haven't decided on a color but you know what? It's supposed to be SPONTANEOUS! I will not think to much into it, nor will I spend any time think to much into it. Im just gonna do it. No need to wish me luck. 

I want to share a list of songs that I have been really into. These are the ones I listen to when I'm feeling particularly rebellious all the time. Constantly. 

1. Dead End Justice by The Runaways
It's about getting arrested, staying in juvi, and escaping from juvi.  This is my favorite right now. 

2. I Wanna Be Were The Boys Are by The Runaways
The title pretty much explains this one. It's really, hmm, fierce? One thing that's great about The Runaways is that they were kick ass females who rocked (literally) in a time and profession that was mostly just guys. 

3. Cherry Bomb by, can you guess??? The Runaways
Let me just give you a little song lyric "hello daddy, hello mom, Im your ch ch ch ch ch ch ch CHERRY BOMB!!!" They actually wrote this song for Cherie Curry who, unfortunately and ironically, is now a conservative christian republican.

4. American Nights by The Runaways
"You kids are so strange. American nights, your never gonna change" This song is really catchy.

5.  Ziggy Stardust by David Bowie
Just amazing. Seriously one of the best ever. 

6. Moonage Daydream by David Bowie
Funny story actually. My earliest memories of music are of me in the car with my mom listening to those old things they called tapes. I remember listening to No Doubt and Siouxsie and the Banshees. My favorite was David Bowie. Just one song. I didn't know the name of the song, all I knew was the first couple of lyrics. "I'm an alligator, I'm a mama-papa comin' for you", that's all I knew but it was my absolute favorite song. So this is that song, incase you didn't put that together yet. 

Alright I just want to say one last thing. Watch Usual Suspects. Oh. My. GOD. Best movie ever. It's so good I get all giddy and excited when I talk about it, because I feel like I'm in on some crazy fantastic secret. If you haven't seen this movie watch it. If you have, comment and tell me about your experience. 

Aye, Im going to go. KEYSER SOZE!!! Seriously watch that movie. I'm serious. Oh and don't forget to follow on twitter, like on Facebook, and newly added to the site: Follow on google plus something or another. The buttons right over there on the side. An award will be given to the first subscriber! ;)


Plastic Girls

I spend a lot of my time wishing I lived anywhere but west texas. Well it's not all bad. (Ugh it almost hurts to say that) I found somewhere I really like. 

We've been spending time at Possum Kingdom lake. A rather large, clear, pretty body of water. Hanging out around the dock care free with crazy wild wind blown unwashed hair has got to be one of the most pure ways to just have fun, and most importantly (dun dun dunnn) BE HAPPY! 

When I'm out there I can't find one thing to worry about. I don't get up in the morning and follow this routine I've fallen into. I just live in the present taking everything in moment by precious moment. This crazy care free feeling I've discovered has constantly been on my mind when I'm not there. 

So I've found myself at war with society. It's a huge break through for me. As a teenage girl the things I thought about a lot are (no matter how much I denied it) things that don't really matter. I was spending so much time on makeup, hair, and outfits. Jeeze. All those things that became such a heavy party of my life just washed right off my shoulders. I haven't thrown away my makeup or given up the curling iron. No, those are things that I enjoy. I just don't depend on them. Instead of thinking about what society expects of me to do everyday to make myself "presentable" I just do what ever the hell I want. I wake up in the morning and say "What do I want to wear? Perfect.". Wow what a self confidence booster too! We all know that feeling when you put together an outfit, or a hair do, or a new make up look. The one were you walk out of the house half confident in yourself because 50% of you is proud your trying out the new look but the other 50% of you knows that your only doing it because it looked good on that model in that magazine, so your wondering if you can pull it off or not. Not a good feeling. Seriously unfun. So instead of going through all that ridiculously unnecessary inner turmoil throw on whatever you think is fantastic, and rock it. 

So there I am. Totally 100% me. I'm not wearing make up (you can't see my face. oops) and my hair is in its natural state of crazy. Happy as a rainbow pony.

You know what? I really like crazy. The antonym of crazy according to my macbook dictionary is sane. A synonym of sane is normal. The definition of normal is "conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected. I would shoot myself in the face before I lived a usual, typical, expected life. Gross. Ew. Nasty. 

I'll end this topic with a song. I listen to this when ever I'm feeling a little down about myself. When I see someone that makes you think "Woah she/he's perfect. Why not me?" this is the pick me up I listen to. It's pretty unorthodox. It isn't 'Nobody's Perfect' by Hannah Montana. But it is a great song, by an awesome band. So if you wanna hear it the song title is Plastic Girls and it's by The Minds. It's just a song about the fact that perfect isn't even pretty. Especially not your stereotypical Plastic Girls.

Just wanted you to know I made a cookie stack and you should make a cookie stack because they are fantastic. Seriously. These are the yumilicious cookies I made from the recipe in THIS blog post. So if your looking for a challenge, go make these, make a cookie stack, take a picture and email it to me! Fun. 

Aye, It's really late. I should sleep. So I guess I'll go. Don't forget to like Sugar Sharks on Facebook and follow on twitter! Have a Holly Jolly Christmas. I don't know why that popped into my head. Rambling much? Guilty. Alright leave an awesome comment! I read them all. :)


You must have seen her. Dancing In the sand.

Oh how I wish I could write about all the magical things that have occurred in my life. Well I can't. For now they are secrets. It's going to be hard. Secrets don't make friends you know...

I made seashell jewelry the other day. In this picture you can see half of the necklace and one of the rings. I made two but unfortunately the seashell on both of them fell of. Thank you superglue.

Here's the rest of the necklace. You can also the bracelet I made. It's still intact, probably because I haven't worn it yet. This is my favorite outfit lately. The pants are my favorite ever! They fit my personal style so perfect. They're bohemian, and beachy. So versatile too. I have worn them with this airy tank top, and with a t-shirt. Oh and they fit amazing! I lack a butt (It's common in Atlantieans. I'm from Atlantis, remember?) and the pleats give a nice little illusion. Tehe. Oh and guess what? My mom made them for me. That's right, be jealous.

I know what your thinking. Oh my that's a big lemon! No. It's not a lemon! This is, in fact, a picture of an orange. A yellow orange. Weird right?

We went to a fabric store today. Azo immediately found the pink silk. Just look at those huge eyes. She told me she wanted mom to make her a dress out of it. I think deep down no matter how much you deny it, every girl loves pink. At least a little bit. 

We discovered these next. I can never remember what they're called. Boas? I love all the bright colors in this picture.

At possum kingdom lake there are deer everywhere! The come right up to you to. This one looked walked right up to our car and munched some turkey jerky. It looks really skinny from the front and really pregnant from the side... Look at those big eyes.

I've found the best chocolate chip cookie dough recipe. Seriously. It's the one thats soft and gooey when you pull it out of the oven but then they get perfectly crunchy and fantastic. You can eat them how ever floats your boat! It's great with MnMs too!
It tastes just like the rolls you buy at the grocery store, only homemade! So after finding this recipe and making it many times I have perfected it. I usually don't post the recipes but I have to share this one. So I'll write the recipe but promise you'll read the tips at the bottom.


2 cups (260 grams) all purpose flour

1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

3/4 cup (170 grams) unsalted butter, room temperature

2/3 cup (130 grams) granulated white sugar

2/3 cup (140 grams) firmly packed light brown sugar

1 large egg

1 large egg yolk

1 1/2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract

1 cup (200 grams) M&M's® or Smarties®candies

Tips (read these! For serious!): 

1. I always half this recipe and it still makes a lot of dough. Don't think to much into it. Just bake what you'll eat and refrigerate the rest. It tastes even better the next day.

2. If you're a perfectionist when it comes to the appearance of your baked goods (like me) you'll want to wait and add the chocolate chips or MnM's on top of the dough right before baking. It looks a lot prettier, especially with the m and ms...

3.  I like to use self rising flour. It's the same as using all purpose only you don't use the baking soda or salt. The main perk is that you don't have to sift anything together. Just add the flour.

4. Don't forget to smoosh them down a little bit. This part really makes the cookie. 

5. When you bake cookies you usually have two options. You can let them cook all the way to perfection in the oven and then immediately take them off the cookie sheet when your done OR you can let them cook until they are just about ready and then take them out, leaving them to cool on the pan. If you want your cookies to cool off completely before eating them (they will be a little crunchier, not so gooey), go for the second one. If you leave them on the sheet after they've baked all the way they will continue to cook and may burn. I prefer the first option because I like mine fresh out of the oven warm and gooey. 

First you'll cream the butter and the sugars (brown and white).  
While it's getting creamy sift together the flour, baking soda, and salt. Don't skip the sifting! 
Okay set the dry ingredients aside.
 Add the egg. 
Wait until its 100% incorporated and then add the vanilla. 
Now slowly add your dry ingredients. 
Next add the chocolate chips. (you can wait and press them onto before baking for a prettier cookie!)
Your dough is probably a little soft. You want it to be hard enough to roll into balls. This means the dreaded fridge time. It shouldn't take too long. I usually do the dishes and clean up the kitchen mess while I'm waiting.

Wrap up your dough in saran wrap and stick it in the fridge to chill. 

When your dough is ready before you take it out and start fiddling with it, preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Get your cookie sheet out and cover it in tin foil, because we both know that makes it so much easier to clean. Roll balls of dough out. For a normal sized cookie they are a little smaller than 1 inch in diameter. Spread them out on your cookie sheet. Make sure they have room to blossom. 

Alright almost done!

Use a tablespoon measuring cup (or smaller/bigger depending on cookie size) to smoosh them. Push down in the center of the cooke and make circular motions towards the outside. Smoosh them just until its flat and round around the edges. If you wanted your cookie to be prettier and saved you chocolate chips or MnMs now is when you'll want gently press them on top It's okay if they're close together because your cookies will rise and grow, just make sure you get enough on there. Now stick them in the oven. I never use a timer. So I can't tell you how long to put them in for. Keep an eye on them, and when they are golden brown along the edges they are ready. Now you have wonderful cookies that taste magnificent! 

This was adapted from this recipe: original recipe

Alright. This is my first time writing down a recipe. I hope someone read this and got some yummy cookies out of it. If you have any questions or comments leave them below or email me! 

Aye,  I think I'll go paint my nails. Come back again soon!

Let me know how your cookies turned out!

Ps. The title is a lyric from the song Tiny Dancer by Elton John
one of my favorite songs right now!